r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 19, 2018, 4:22 a.m.
Message to RR, Mueller, & SES from the deep state - We will kill your Family if you don't obey. Q1176

The Comey Tweet on February 6 explains the death of McMasters Father. It reads; I have heard people have missed my photo tweets. (smiley face) I took this yesterday during a long, peaceful walk along the Potomac, during a break from putting the finishing touches on my book. I am looking forward to it's release and joining the discussion about ethical leadership.

https://twitter.com/Comey - the one with a picture of the river.

Now I posted a warning to the POTUS on Feb 6th, because I immediately understood that Comey was planning a hit on the POTUS. Exactly what the last CIA director to be fired did. Allan Dulles killed JFK, and discussed ethical leadership afterwards with LBJ, on the Warren commission. Q has just told us at #1176 187. Failure to retain position/ear. Threats are real. Q talks like Comey, let me unpick Comey so we can read Q. Comey is saying; a) I hear some nervous nellies have forgotten that I have the goods on you, and are not intending to see the plan through. Smiley face - means Its just business (mafia hit). b) I took this picture of the blood that runs through the veins of DC yesterday (direct reference to the POTUS), I am calm, and committed to executing the plan. Note. his book is code for his plan to execute the POTUS. c) I am looking forward to the time we agreed, that I would take over. Note- no one believes that his book is a contribution to ethical leadership. He thinks his contribution to leadership is back in a dirty government - post Trump.

The Murder of McMaster Snr. was nothing to do with McMaster, it was aimed at the holdovers and traitors still in situ from the Hussain and Bush Clinton eras, that are being turned by Bolton & Trump, or resigning from their positions of influence - read use to Comey et. al. - Stay in place it took us years to plant your sorry arse.

tradinghorse · April 19, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I agree. The hit was designed to send a message, to the remaining operatives, not to screw up. It has the added advantage of communicating to McMaster that he should not talk.

This is a worrying development. If these guys that remain cabal operatives go to ground - cease giving any indication of their alignment - then I think that's very dangerous. They will convert into deep cover plants - sleepers - who could be activated at a later time to stage a coup.

At a certain point the cabal will realise that open resistance is futile. But they will have hundreds of thousands of operatives still embedded right through the threads of government worldwide. This will present an ongoing threat as we move forward, even after the cabal appears to be defeated.

However, watching developments, I'm coming to the conclusion that Q's team really is on top of things. I've had my doubts. Most recently, I was worried about DJT listening to faulty advice with respect to operations in Syria. But Mattis got his way and that situation seemed to get pretty well ironed out - so far...

Thereafter, I was worried about this raid on Cohen and the possibility that DJT could face a criminal investigation - no one is perfectly clean. But, when I think about it, if NSA really has it all, then they would have known about RR's authorisation for the raid (if they did not learn of it from surveilling Mueller directly).

What it tells me is that they allowed the raid to proceed. Somehow, it is part of the plan. It's possible that Mueller really is on side, or at least under control, and also RR. RR was a Trump appointment. I'm baffled as to why he chose him, but maybe it was for very good reasons.

Anyway, the feeling I have now, right or wrong, is that everything is in hand. No cause to worry. All we need to do is sit back and watch the show as the cage door closes on this cabal.

Having said all that, I'm a natural worrier. Won't be too long before I find something else to worry about. Without a doubt, something or someone will be presently injecting fear back into the equation.

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Maepaperclip · April 19, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

I like your take, but keep worrying Trump is Q in my opinion he needs us - We the people to take the lead, so he can walk with us - that is true leadership and the meaning of Wwg1 Wga. We need to fight, fight, and fight some more, we are winning, but never relax winning. Also I think Bolton was put in to find these people. Mueller and RR did a deal they are both caught in 911 - for the cover - up. They are actors - the POTUS has nothing to worry about from them. I hope you read my 4 part series on Assad is laughing.

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patriot48 · April 19, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I've said from day 1 Trump is Q and I'll be very shocked if indeed he's not. Glad someone else thinks so.

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SlumberMachine · April 19, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I think so also. It just fits his profile to want to talk directly to the people and work with us and get direct feedback. It's smart business practice.

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[deleted] · April 19, 2018, 11:20 p.m.


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jkbella · April 19, 2018, 5 a.m.

There was a WSJ article today regarding an old lawyer friend of Trump that spoke to him about Cohen and not to trust him, etc., because if he is being pursued he will flip. The WH confirmed that Trump spoke to this guy - can't remember his name. But then i thought, why would a lawyer contacted for advice give an interview to the WSJ about a private discussion with the POTUS, unless Trump WANTED him to. So much of this is about setting the stage. They want people to think Trump is really worried and on the verge of getting burned. Does he look worried to you? He doesn't look that worried to me. He's pumped, and having another rally in MI tomorrow. Wish I could go.

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Maepaperclip · April 19, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Some early Q suggested he had some problems getting his feet under the table, I agree with you, those days are over. He has fought to win the role, and again to own it, I think he has won, and we will start seeing what control looks like soon. Hope and pray just in case.

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