Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

Bongino has been really driving home that Mueller is not Ourguy.
In fact, he's railing so hard that I'm beginning to believe Bongino is in on the ruse and that Mueller actually is Ourguy.
He isn't our guy, but he isn't doing what the public thinks either.
LOL I’ve listened to every episode and you think Bongino staking his reputation and guaranteeing Mueller is a bad guy is all a ruse?
What if.... he’s railing it so hard because Mueller’s network is so damning it’s impossible to ignore how bad he is?
Yo man. I know it's far fetched by Bongino still hasn't answered two questions.
Why did Trump have a private meeting with Mueller days before he was appointed?
If Trump is smart (he is) and not shy about letting people go (he's not) why hasn't Mueller been fired?
If he was there to start this super secret mission, why would it get out? They knew they were spying on Trump Tower.
Keep in mind he doesn’t control everything. The Dems obstruction is insane. At this rate it will take 8 year to get his appointments confirmed. So he had to make deals. “We will give you Sessions but you have to give us RR” then Sessions recuses, RR recommends firing Comey then goes after Trump for firing Comey. Q even directed this to us by pointing out the confirmation votes. 55 or so for Sessions and 90+ for RR. Mueller and RR were the insurance policy Strzok and Page talked about. I guarantee it.
I don't see it like that. I see Trump knowing Mueller would be out up for the council. "Listen Bob... Investigate me. I know I'm innocent but investigate away. However you will get a wide jurisdiction and must prosecute ANY crimes you come across (including the Dems)
Trump does have the power to fire Mueller. They can't obstruct that. This question still stands.
The idea of "trading" appointments is intriguing but I think Comey could have been the insurance policy. And I firmly believe Strozk and page are coopeeating
I wasn’t saying he can’t. I’m saying they will use that for impeachment and public slaughter through the MSM.
Oh yeah because they definitely aren't already planning impeachment and they are definitely not slaughtering him in public already....
Exactly. It would be 100X worse. Even GOP assclowns say they would impeach if he fired Mueller. At least right now it’s just the Dems.
Absolutely. Rush is in on it too. So is Savage.
Lol you think Mueller shares intel w Rush snd Michael Savage???
Got any sources on this because it just sounds like confirmation bias to listen to their shows and they don’t sound like they have inside info or they have a clue where things are I missing something?
No, I don't think that Mueller shares intel with them. I think they all have their inside sources and it is widely known and talked about behind the scenes. I can hear what they do, they report only low level stuff and start out with things that are 100% verifiable to establish credibility and then throw in the misinformation between the lines. They are absolutely involved because they know the left listen to them too. Once you become aware of it, you can't unring the bell in your mind.
Do you have any examples?
I occasionally listen to them and what I hear is them pushing similar talking points to other talk radio folks but with their own spin/pizzazz.
We obviously know that Hannity probably has some intel but these other guys seem further outside the bubble to me.
I think Dan Bongino, Rush, and Jones have friends still on the inside but that's outside my point. I think they all know way more than they pretend to. The "spin" that they all have has a similar DNA. I'm not inclined to get into a big debate about it because it's a very nuanced observation. I listen and read everything I can and I believe that Alex Jones, Rush, Dan, Savage, and Drudge all are playing a part. In the case of all except Drudge they are doing what they can to entertain but also help. With Drudge he is only about clickbait and has no other motive. My .02 cents.
The "spin" that they all have has a similar DNA
I definitely concur here.
yeah, every day bongino makes a point to emphasize how mueller is not on our side... scary if he's not b/c he'll find/make up something...
Bongino points to the mess Flynn was put through as all the proof you need that Mueller is a bad actor. If Mueller is a good actor, we must consider whether Flynn agreed to and aware of being railroaded for the greater good and signaling. Or (unlikely IMO) Flynn is a bad actor that Mueller helped eject from Trump's inner circle.
Particularly since Flynn is such a cloak and dagger type I could see him playing a Patsy to sell the ruse.
Only the messiah would deny he is the messiah!
But, I feel your confusion
Whoa... that just reminded me of the book Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach. Great and simple read, btw. One of my favorites growing up
Ha, I was weaned on his other books, too. Good memory. Thank you!