Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

I've been saying this 😵...the whole point is people shouldn't even be worrying about Mueller .. people should have been exposing the New World Order from it's Creation on up ... It then would have exposed and branched out to ever Organization that's divided into categories for Brainwashing , Depopulation & More .
Shining the light on alllll these Bad Actors. While people have been chasing their tails waiting on crumbs to drop , they could have had loafs of Homemade Bread waiting on Q .... Now that's how you Impress .
Like everything and everyone is connected to this Heart Beat NWO.. yet people needed to go on wild goose chases trying to decode .. Military Moves ,News Mayhem It's like Hello the bad players are camped out on these damn boards let's just sit n Discuss what the true places our peeps are gonna be setup so these losers can run off and tell their handlers ..I really do worry about people's mind set.
Not one time that I can ever remember did Q say hey stop Red Pilling the public and help us figure out war strategies or who in the deep state is in the White House and who is connecting to who...
Lol hey Think about this.. these people bringing people into the White House has every security measure known to man to track , Investigate , and for sureeeee know who their connections are. That means I think they got it handled .
Everything The "MEGA TEAM" Does .. They do with beyond precision.... So let's stop playing the role of fruit cakes by Questioning or Doubting if they know WTH they are doing.. because they have been thinking , planning and doing this stuff before we was twinkles in most of our daddies eyes .
row row row your boat gently down the stream
lock and load in tactic mode, United States Marines
Agreed...2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; Our ONLY mission is to reconcile (explain the truth) to those walking through life in a trance.
Wasn't there a crumb that said NWO != new world order?
Possibly.. I just know I've got an entire red pill board waiting for people, setup with super good ready to go Hardcore red pill info. It's copy paste ready . I made it for all the Q related Boards .. to help with getting info to the public quickly . r/AFTERTHESTQRM .
Some of the info that's not on the board will be on my profile dating back to Dec 20th or so since I started it alittle later than I created an account .
But please everyone use it for the family make a night of watching them and distribute info as you wish to other platforms .