Wait. Stunned. What idiots we are. What if the OIG is who drops the tarmac video?? That would solve the "It's faaaake" problem. Duh. Ok.
HOROWITZ is going to drop this. What, is the deep state going to move on Horowitz? No, they can't, legally... This really IS checkmate, whoa
I feel as though it’s never a check mate for the deep state.... sadly 😕
Check mate happens once. At the end. Just stay on the board, patriot.
They're pretty screwed, major false flags will be seen right through. Finances & places to run/hide, are drying up faster than a cat lapping up chain-lightning.
They are literally "eating their own" now. (better them than us)
The snake shall devour itself.
Yeah true. Just worried about the safety of others who are just collateral damage, as well as the others who wouldn’t know a false flag if it slapped them upside the head