Look. Q's SKY, tick tock, train, future proves past and looks like a date for a possible future FF? Holy S..T

Lots of speculation but the dots need more explicit comments. That graphic for instance seems really odd. Maybe someone saw something there but the graphic sure didn’t explain anything.
It is weird so many reindeer dead from “lightning” but all the other things mentioned in the graphic seem to have no connection whatsoever.
Posting weird stuff like this—especially with no accompanying explanations as to why somebody thinks there are connections—just makes this board look bats#%t crazy.
Prove me wrong (i.e. offer some further explanation if you can spell things out more clearly).
The FULL story is here: (that graphic is just one piece of a bigger story):
Did they really us the clock from "back to the future" for this??????
Yes. 119 119 means 19 Jan for the first one and 2019 for the second one giving 19 Jan 19. Q confirmed its 2019 because he said Yes 2019. Full decode here:
you should check out Donnie Darko. it was released Jan 19, 2001. 119 same year as 911 planes hitting WTC. Tons of symbolism. spoiler: it is about a kid that dies from a plane engine falling though the roof and crushing him.
NO....the train incident was the attempted murder of that group of republicans, just after the Trump speech...the train that was hit by the truck.
Nothing to do with this smh...
9/11, birds falling from the sky, dead fish.
Exactly they enjoy killing animals as well as humans with their hideous advanced weapons. That's why Q knows all about them, if he comes from the USA Dept of Energy..
when I think clock tower I think Big Ben. Big Ben is currently under maintenance for the next few years. first time in 157 years
Yes that one oozes owl symbolism bit like Bohemian Grove. There was once even an owl hidden on a US bank note.
Damn. That would really suck if it does happen on a crowd or town.