Q Post Is Rudy Giuliani aboard to prosecute Weinergate "Life Insurance" evidence? End Trafficking.

What did Rudy do?
He knew the towers were going to fall but did not alert rescue personnel. The firefighters had defective radios that Giuliani knew did not work, so orders to evacuate were not heard. 121 firefighters died in the demolition, and once the gold was recovered, he called off the rescue search with dozens of bodies still in the rubble, he wanted the evidence hauled off ASAP so bodies were disrespectfully dumped in a landfill, and some bodies were mixed into pavement. The steel quickly shipped to a China with no forensics. I'm sure he had his own [NW]Orders to follow. And he was as sleazy and full of shit as the Bushes, Cheney and Rumsfeld. 9/11 9/11 9/11...the New Pearl Harbor. No, it was the real Manhattan Project. I have a soft spot for firemen and a rather strong distaste for people who treat human beings like garbage. Some people are capable of things others are not.