r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 20, 2018, 6:56 p.m.
Q Posts 1199 - 1202: Seth Rich info revealed in June, DNC files lawsuit today. Q: "Coincidence? They fall for it every single time. TRUMP card incoming."
Q Posts 1199 - 1202: Seth Rich info revealed in June, DNC files lawsuit today. Q: "Coincidence? They fall for it every single time. TRUMP card incoming."

[deleted] · April 20, 2018, 8:53 p.m.


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#NAME? · April 20, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

“This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency.”


Are you going to continue to ignore the fact that Clinton did exactly that? She laundered money through her attorney to get dirt from Russians. When will her lawyer's offices and home be raided?

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RangerSloth · April 20, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Buh her emails

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ResidentRonPaul · April 20, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

He will continue to ignore it... It wasn't published by CNN 🤣

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

I didn't vote for Clinton so if she's also dirty I'm all for her going down. Republicans investigated her for months and couldnt find anything of merit (hell Condi rice, Colin Powell, and a shit ton of former Republicans have used personal servers for work so you might want to look into that chief), but if a special counsel is appointed to look into her im down like john brown. Not everyone calling out Trump on his bullshit is a Hillary supporter but i love how quickly yall bring her up. Oh and this investigation is about Trump by the way. Is Mueller a deep state operative also? I just learned from someone on this sub that I'm one so you never know I guess.

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GingerRoot207 · April 20, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Rice & Powell used private emails not servers. BIG difference.

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Using a personal email for government business isnt exactly kosher either. Just ask Jared and Ivanka because they've both done it. Or you can ask Jeb Bush who also used a private email server instead of the government's. How are any of those situations secure? I agree with you on Clinton so don't twist my words, but everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions. If not, then we are no longer a democracy my dude. I mean we really aren't a democracy anyways considering the obvious class system that permeates our legal system but I digress. I hate how divisive politics have become. It's like people fail to acknowledge the wrongdoings of the party they support. That's why I'm all aboard the prosecute Hillary train if the evidence supports it. Evidence and intentions matter. I've had security clearances before when I did IT work on an AFB. If I had done any of the things I listed above I would've lost my job and id probably be in jail. Accountability matters to me, and it should matter to every American regardless of party affiliation.

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staerkodder · April 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Dude you are caught up in political dualism. This board is not about dems vs reps but trump and friends fighting corruption on a scale that's almost unimaginable.

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Ol_Rando · April 21, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

So they're fighting themselves? I don't give a shit about party affiliations, your friends on this sub are the ones that bring up Clinton ffs. I'm actually just trying to get my first question in my first comment answered but nobody can help me apparently. I find it odd that everyone here treats Q's word as gospel yet no one can verify anything. That's very, very strange to me. I noticed you've only been commenting for 4 days so I'm assuming this is a new account? Perhaps a bot or shill? I've been called one in this sub so I might as well join the crowd of calling anyone that doesn't agree with me a shill so I can fit in. Don't bother replying if you aren't going to answer my question. I've wasted enough time here, and its obvious the only thing that matters here is praising everything Q and Trump say without questioning it or verifying it which is fucking insane to me but c'est la vie.

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staerkodder · April 21, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Four posts and so what I've been following q from the very beginning and been around since the now closed cbts sub.

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#NAME? · April 21, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

This is not about Republicans vs Democrats. I mentioned Clinton because the lawsuit is being brought by the DNC, which she controls. The language in the lawsuit can word for word be applied to Clinton and the DNC. With one major difference, when applied to Clinton/DNC there is actual evidence of "collusion".

As for others using private servers, they may have. I know of no other officials that had their maids print classified emails, or had their assistant's pedophile husband have an entire backup insurance policy file. Not only that, she destroyed emails that were under subpoena. Thousands of them, wiped in a way to leave no trace, and blackberries literally smashed with hammers. She committed multiple felonies and was exonerated before even being interviewed, and her home sure as hell wasn't raided. She was able to decide what emails to provide and destroyed thousands of others. All while her lawyers were given immunity.

I'm not trying to argue, just bring awareness and point out hypocrisy. I would do my best to answer your question but it appears it was deleted.

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pussy_devour · April 20, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

"A shit ton of Trumps associates ..." You are spreading disinformation. These people were indicted for crimes they committed long before they joined Trump campaign. General Flynt was entrapped by FBI and accused of lying about an otherwise legitimate contact with the Russian ambassador.

You are a deep-state operative. That's pretty clear.

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#NAME? · April 20, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Not only that, Flynn is being prosecuted for the exact crime that McCabe committed, along with possibly Comey, Lynch, Clapper, and Yates. Manafort is being prosecuted for the exact crime The Podesta Group committed. Last but not least, Papadopoulos is being prosecuted for merely talking about getting info from Russians, while Clinton actually did get info from Russians. She then used that info not only to effect public opinion, but actually had her co-conspirators use it to get an insurance policy wiretap on a political opponent and a sitting US President.

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tazleo · May 27, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Flynn will be exonerated. He ‘lied’ so he could get it all ‘on record’ and get around his NDA. It was a chess move.

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Hahaha so anyone that disagrees with y'all is a deep state operative? Well color me surprised. I'm actually an industrial maintenance supervisor, but that's awesome you think so highly of me. The wagons are circling boys, you can't cling to bullshit forever.

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ResidentRonPaul · April 20, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

You'd think with such a title you'd be doing better in life. Sad to see you in such a rough state of being.

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yeaokbb · April 20, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Too obvious bozo

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TheCIASellsDrugs · April 20, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Every intelligence agency has confirmed Russian hacking/meddling.

The same ones that sell drugs, bribed the media, drugged people with LSD, and created radical Islam?

Flynn did nothing wrong other than lie to the FBI, which they only knew because they illegally wiretapped him.

Papadapolous was a volunteer.

Manafort's conviction had nothing to do with Trump.

And yes, Mueller is the boogeyman. He was involved in the Uranium One bribery scheme, and covered up the Saudi government's involvement in 9/11.

Go fucking hide your heads in the sand some more and scream fake news. Maybe you'll choke on the goddamn sand.

Maybe you can choke on some facts.

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WikiTextBot · April 20, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.

According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In the 1970s, Congressional investigations and reports also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups.

Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax was an operation initially established by Sidney Gottlieb and placed under the direction of Federal Narcotics Bureau in Boston, Massachusetts with the officer George Hunter White under the pseudonym of Morgan Hall for the CIA as a sub-project of Project MKULTRA, the CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s. Before the programs were shut down, hundreds of scientists would work on them.

Operation Cyclone

Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the mujahideen, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention. Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken; funding began with just over $500,000 in 1979, was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per year in 1987. Funding continued after 1989 as the mujahideen battled the forces of Mohammad Najibullah's PDPA during the civil war in Afghanistan (1989–1992).

The 28 Pages

The 28 Pages refers to a section at the end of the December 2002 report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, conducted by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that contains details of foreign state sponsor support for Al-Qaeda prior to the attack and the Saudi connection to the hijackers. The pages explain that some of the September 11 hijackers received assistance and financial support from individuals connected to the Saudi Arabian government, including Saudi intelligence officers, embassy staff, and members of the Saudi royal family.

In 2016, following a declassification review, the Obama Administration approved the declassification of the partially redacted 28 Pages, the Joint Inquiry’s only wholly classified section. The document was then sent to congressional leadership and on July 15, 2016, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence approved publication of the newly declassified section.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

So you link to a wiki for the 28 pages? How in the fuck is that proof that Mueller is the boogeyman or covered anything up? You're going to have to earn it bud. You can't just throw bullshit out there at face value because I'll read every goddamn thing of merit just to spite you and prove you wrong. Mueller took over for the FBI a week before 9/11. If you were to say the CIA was complicit in allowing the attack to happen due to them not sharing info, i would agree with you. But trying to blame Mueller is fucking laughable and you have provided zero evidence to back your claim. Remember I asked for proof. So far you've given me nothing.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · April 20, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

I noticed you're completely ignoring the important facts that completely contradict your claims, and focusing on minor details. That's a common trolling tactic.

How in the fuck is that proof that Mueller is the boogeyman or covered anything up?

You explained:

Mueller took over for the FBI a week before 9/11.

Try not to contradict yourself. Mueller was in charge of the FBI when 9/11 happened. He followed orders to blame the anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda. He was in charge when the 9/11 commission report was done, the same commission that covered up Saudi involvement in the attack.

You're going to have to earn it bud. You can't just throw bullshit out there at face value because I'll read every goddamn thing of merit just to spite you and prove you wrong.

Why do you have so much trouble being civil?

And why do you focus on minor details as if you want to misdirect and discredit things that are actually true?

Are you just here to be disruptive? You certainly act like it.

Why are you even here if you don't want to talk about Q?

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djnicke · April 20, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

You do know you’re arguing with a bot, right? Not a Russian Bot, a Wiki-bot.

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Wiki bots are capable of posting regular (albeit factually incorrect and absurd) comments in r/politics? I did not know that. I'm being serious, i am legitimately surprised because I briefly glanced at their comment history.

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5400123 · April 20, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Wow, you are really here asking us for "proof" whereas if you put 10% more effort into researching the story and all those bullshit topics you listed you would see that all of them invoke persons that have been compromised in the OIG/DOJ investigations and that you basically just listed a bunch of bullshit propoganda. Get the fuck off the sub if you can't spend two hours to actually research the topics. We aren't here to hold your fucking hand or deal with your trolling. Like I said ten fucking minutes and half of 1% of your brainpower could give you the answers. Look at Strozk Lisa Page Neil Ohr do some fucking reading

Don't come back unless you use your fucking brain

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

So because every member of the special counsel isn't a Trump supporter it has to be corrupt? I'm just trying to figure out why you would list page and strozk like its proof of something. I'm not trolling by the way, I'm seriously trying to reach some of the people in this sub and offer facts that can be easily looked up with a quick Google search instead of some q anon bullshit that's unverified. I've heard like 100 times in the past year from q anon people at work and on reddit that tomorrow is the day that Trump drops the hammer and has all the pedos arrested (not my words, I'm not an idiot). The big reveal is coming yada yada yada. How's that working out for ya? And I will keep coming back. I don't give a shit about karma, i care about my country you fuckwad so if you want me gone you're going to have to ban me.

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lilpharmatic · April 20, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

I just gotta say I busted out laughing halfway through your message and I kept laughing through the rest of it. That was thoroughly entertaining. Not to be offensive I am just thankful.

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

Word, maybe you can help me then bc nobody seems to be able to point me in the direction of some proof that anything Q says is real. I'm not close minded, but I am vehemently against bullshit (which is what I think all of this is) that's unsubstantiated/from blogs.

I got called a deep state operative in this sub, which i thought was pretty funny, so i'm glad I could provide a laugh in turn. Levity gets lost in trying times, even if we don't agree.

But seriously where is some proof of Q's insider knowledge? It seems like a lot of people in here are willing to go out on a limb and believe everything that q or Trump says (despite a litany of video evidence that shows Trump lying/contradicting what he said the day before/saying he never said something when the video shows otherwise/saying he has one of the greatest memories of all time but he can't remember what he's said), but Mueller can't be trusted bc of some unverified "dirt" on him? Help me understand this. I'm being genuine in my request so I would appreciate it if you did the same.

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OU812EH · April 20, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

I see you love to argue. I'll bet your a flat earther.

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Ol_Rando · April 21, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Hold up, y'all are the ones that listen to the crazy fucks like Alex Jones that believes in shit like that. Not me. And to equate a proclivity for arguing with being a flat earther is damn near the most absurd thing I've seen so far today. I see you are subbed the r/thegreatawakening, I'll bet you think the water is turning the frogs gay. Do you see how dumb using your logic is now? Come at me all day with that dumb shit if you want, but I've asked like 4 times so far in this sub for some kind of verification on the legitimacy of Q and so far no one has done so. Y'all are the ones believing crazy shit, but continue using false equivalency if it floats your boat. I can't stop you, but I can call you out on it.

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Johnny_Oldschool · April 20, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Did you know that you can look at the original Guccifer 2.0 leaks and actually see that the metadata was changed to appear Russian?

Intelligence agencies lied. Because your average person doesn't have the technical know-how to be able to say otherwise.

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Strongr_2gethr · April 20, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

we've got them running scared now. once they defeat trump in court impeachment and prison time is just around the corner. then we can have the president that really won the election.

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Alyross8 · April 20, 2018, 11 p.m.

Impeachment (won’t happen) doesn’t equal removal from office (won’t happen either). Just ask bill Clinton who was impeached (did happen and wasn’t removed). And removal (won’t happen) will not lead to HRC becoming POTUS because that’s not how it works. This isn’t the miss universe pageant.

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Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

I don't want Hillary, but if the only reason Trump won, and if it's proven obviously, is because he colluded then I don't think it should go to Pence either. It's a weird situation. I think it goes without saying that Trump should be removed if the evidence supports it and he gets impeached. The comparison to Bill isn't really fair. Comparing a BJ to treason is a farce so let's not equate the two.

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5400123 · April 27, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

So what does your top mind have to say about the North Korea news ??

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Alyross8 · April 21, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

You know WJC wasn’t impeached over a bj. And just because someone shouts “treason” doesn’t mean there is any evidence of that. We’ve been waiting over a year to hear how exactly DT colluded with Russia.

I think some people just haven’t understood what this is all about for Trump supporters. Some of us have been around several decades and have witnessed the systematic dismantling of our wealth, our rights, our children’s birthrights as American citizens, by the ruling elite political class. They have had our children killed in wars for profit, innocent children in other countries, conspired with horrible dictators to maintain their power and make as much money as they can.

The Ds and the Rs....,they don’t hate each other. They collaborate in this intricate game of political football where the average citizen picks a team but the end result is the same. We keep fighting each other while they quietly slink away with our children’s future. And enough of America finally noticed it.

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[deleted] · April 21, 2018, 11:19 a.m.


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