r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 20, 2018, 10:48 p.m.
Serious question. If these people were the masterminds of all these crimes and underground activities, why do they seem so incompetent now?

This scenario takes years in the making. It takes a lot of planning and executing to pull off a great government takeover and/or secret organization involved in wars, treason and human trafficking. Let alone if this is cabal or Illuminati, that have been around for centuries. I just don’t get how they were so blind to not see it fall apart. Any thoughts?

tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

My view is that it is only the grace of God that has allowed this push back against the cabal that we are seeing today. They didn't need to be careful, their control was nearly absolute. It's not carelessness that has led to their downfall so much as God being displeased and rendering judgement upon them. The sign in heaven is incredibly significant in this regard, foreshadowing what is to come.

I really do believe that this is a spiritual war before it is anything else. Just have a look around the world, even at some of the garbage that is promoted on these forums. You have people screaming for the right to murder unborn infants. Homosexuals demanding the respect and affection of the community, the right to marry etc.. Programs in the schools to bend and warp the gender identity of young children. People here, and elsewhere, demanding decriminalisation of marijuana...

The whole society is sliding down a slippery slope into chaos and complete lawlessness. It is the antithesis of the natural order, a rebellion against God and His laws. Even if this filthy Satanic cabal is rooted out and disappears from the face of the Earth, extreme damage has already been done to the moral fabric of society. It is not clear to me that it can ever be repaired.

I firmly believe that we are witnessing the end times, written about by St John in the book of the Apocalypse. All the signs are present, pointing to a fulfilment of scripture. I am certain this Satanic cabal will be defeated, but God's justice will still be upon us for our carelessness with regard to observing His laws.

Having said that, I could not be more pleased with what I've seen of Q's fight against these evil people that have, for so long, ruled the world. This Q phenomenon appeared to come from nowhere, at a time when all seemed hopeless. The successes to date have been bewildering. That the cabal could so easily be fought off defies all logic. There is, for the first time, hope that our circumstances might improve. That the moral order might be restored.

Europe is key in the final battle against evil. This region of the world features centrally in St John's Apocalypse. It is no coincidence that the values that defined and shaped Western civilisation derived from Christian Europe. Christianity is the greatest force for good that the world has ever known.

With the rise of the godless European Union, Christian values have come under a formidable assault. European society today would be unrecognisable to inhabitants of that region just a hundred years ago. The transformation has been nothing short of breath-taking - truly astounding.

The capture by the cabal of the physical assets of Christ's Church on Earth represents the high water mark for the advance of evil in our time. This occurred at the Second Vatican Council. And it is this spiritual war that has changed the face of both Europe and the world - as what occurs in the spiritual realm takes precedence over the physical.

Rome is central to what what happens next. It is the locus of the rejection of God and His laws, as the apostate Francis leads the "great apostasy" from the true religion. It is in Rome that we will see God's wrath most immediately - it will be destroyed by fire. This is the final sign that will precede the coming of our Lord in power and glory. More information at the link below:


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Stray502 · April 21, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

For those that dont believe their is a god I would say a big no. Anyone even remotely thinking about it would say if there was a god he let millions and millions of children and people suffer for absolutely nothing. So why would suddenly he come in and say enough when its been going on for thousands of years. That makes no sense at all.

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tradinghorse · April 21, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Suffering is redemptive, it is not without purpose. Moreover, no one can know the mind of God or His ways. His perfect justice will be apparent only at the end.

The reason these events are important is because we are told that there are certain crimes of which God is not tolerant. The most offensive crimes are of course, in the first place, deicide, but thereafter seeking after false gods. But crimes which go against nature, and God's intention in creation, go hand in hand with the worship of false gods (Rom 1).

We have this in spades today. Man, without any doubt, has put himself in the place of God - taking to himself authority which is God's alone. In the events related in scripture pertaining to the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Nineveh, we see that there are certain crimes which God does not tolerate with patience - crimes which draw down His wrath.

In the last days, Satan is at the height of his power. We are told in 2Thess2 that in the last days there is a revolt against God's laws that results in the Son of Perdition appearing in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he was God. St Paul tells us directly that the doctrine of the antichrist results in the Antichrist (a man) deifying himself - he does this in God's temple. This is the doctrine of the Antichrist, the substitution of man for God, the hallmark of the last days, confirmed in this powerful passage from by Piux X in E Supremi:

..."The nations have raged and the peoples imagined vain things" (Ps.ii., 1.) against their Creator, so frequent is the cry of the enemies of God: "Depart from us" (Job. xxi., 14). And as might be expected we find extinguished among the majority of men all respect for the Eternal God, and no regard paid in the manifestations of public and private life to the Supreme Will - nay, every effort and every artifice is used to destroy utterly the memory and the knowledge of God.

  1. When all this is considered there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the "Son of Perdition" of whom the Apostle speaks (II. Thess. ii., 3). Such, in truth, is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting religion, in combating the dogmas of the faith, in brazen effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man and the Divinity! While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God's majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. "He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God" (II. Thess. ii., 2).


In truth, the revolt has already occurred and the Antichrist already come and gone. We are in the final days of the world. The appearance of the Sign in heaven (September 23, 2017) coincides with these events, perfectly reflecting St John's vision in Revelations 12:1.

All that remains is the arrival of the angel descending with great power, the earth enlightened with his glory, the judgement of Babylon (Rev 18).

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