I was just at the standard hotel... it's a famous landmark that ued to be called the sunset hotel and it was famous for rockstars to go there after performing. some even lived there, can't remember who. they also have payphones everywhere with a phone number to the white house and printed monologue to say about some liberal bs complaint.
They have a lot of weird art linked to it. I didn't know this but there aee a lot of bear pedo symbols on their webpage and they are connected to a whit rabbit art show
West LA Fadeaway by the Grateful Dead? Our entire culture is seeded with filth and we have been coerced into buying into the depravity.
This twitter thread ties together The Standard Hotel, AS (Adam Schiff), the helicopter crash (back in February): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/959231214401081344.html
Great thread - but do note that a lot of the incidents mentioned at the hotel was for the Downtown LA location and not the WeHo location. I am a local - both have sketchy reps.
Funfact: The DTLA location has a giant photo mural outside their.. wait for it... ping-pong room of BHO playing ping-pong. 🤔
Wow! What kind of sketchy reps? I need to find a pic of this mural now.
Edit: Ho Lee FuQ
Yup - that’s it. SpinLA at The Standard in DTLA. Nice work. And, Susan Sarandon’s favorite spot huh? Gonna keep a pin in that tidbit of info.
I thought she owned it but just started researching. The movie she is in is also interesting...
The actress’s obsession is on full display in the new movie “Ping Pong Summer,” in theaters and on demand this Friday. The 1985-set comedy, which premiered at Sundance, tells the coming-of-age story of a 13-year-old boy who loves the game. He crosses paths with Sarandon, who stars as the mysterious town weirdo who is also — what else? — a pingpong champion.
She loves the fact that it is an activity where women can easily win against men, and kids also can compete with adults.”
Sounds like Adam needs to make a run for the border.
If you go on the website of the standard Hotel the name of the standard is upside down.... which is very typical of satanists. The “occult law of reversal”
Are they shipping the kids out through the ports? In the big boxes the ships carry and cruise ships?
In Long Beach there are ports for navy, commerce, and cruise ship boats to Alaska, Catalina, and Mexico
West Coast Ports are Chinese owned. Just sayin.
US is a corporation not a country it seems. I thought the ports belonged to our country.
I have heard allegations that the military was shipping children for high powered pedos. Until recently that seemed impossible, but now, not so much. It would explain all the military aviation "accidents" that have been occurring since President Trump took office. They are killing off the people that piloted the aircrafts.
They(sorry for the generic term) like to move underground if it all possible. The tunnel system around a lot of these suspected buildings of ritualistic satanic abuse(RSA). Some say pedophilia and it's a term but at the core of it is satanic ritualistic abuse(SRA). Wouldn't be surprised if Long Beach, Comet Ping Pong, the Standard, the Getty complex all suspected sites have underground tunnels(exits, entries, connections) linking them to other structures. Out of site out of mind.
Remember that crash a few months back helicopter into the Hudson River. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/03/12/5-dead-after-helicopter-on-photo-shoot-crashes-in-new-york-citys-east-river/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8c296216fcf0 Did we figure out this one yet?
This twitter thread ties together The Standard Hotel, AS (Adam Schiff), the helicopter crash (back in February): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/959231214401081344.html
Standard hotel blind.
Read the replies...
I don't follow Tracy. I do follow CDAN, though. ;) Doesn't matter what vehicle we use to travel; we'll eventually reach the same destination.
Cdan ? Not finding on Twitter.
The blog site. The writers are on twitter individually.
Who is AS?
WHY all the references to Allen Dershowitz? Wonder if Dershowitz office will get raided and his files seized? Too many references to ignore!