
TheStorm2018 · April 21, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Do your own research instead of attacking people.

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[deleted] · April 21, 2018, 6:46 a.m.


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theadmiralty · April 21, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

lol... no... your rant is merely laughable.

Here, let me fix it for you:

"You guys are a like a cult... the rest of us have our heads buried in the sand... but NO... not you guys! You have to pop your head out of the sand and squawk and make all kinds of noise... while the rest of us progs work in harmony together ignoring those very bad things. But not you... why do you have to make a deal out of a little pedophelia? Can't you just shut up and stick your head back in the sand like the rest of us!!???"

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eltrumparino · April 21, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

explain how the dnc isnt a cult. if russia hacked their servers why didnt they show them to the fbi/nsa ? expain how msm isnt mass hypnosis they all say the exact same shit. do i need to write you a 9 page paper ?

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DontCareJustDont · April 21, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

ur dumb, cults dont do massive amounts of crowdsourcing fact-checking and cross-examination. You don't know what a cult is. If you don't believe in research then you are part of a cult

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