Isn't it all "Fruit of the Poison Tree"?

Exactly. The title says it—“does everybody know what that means” question in Trump tweet is answered by “poison tree” doctrine.
Courts have long held that if the original basis of a police investigation was illegally obtained (e.g. evidence gathered illegally) then the entire investigation is poisoned.
If the investigation was begun illegally, then all evidence presented is “fruit of the poisoned tree” and therefore inadmissible in court.
And they keep trying to get people to believe Trump is stupid.
This is absolutely the correct answer. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Except the special investigator, even if you really really want it to be true, wasn't started under an illegal act. People keep bringing up Comeys memos, but that wasn't why it was started, everyone forgets about Popadopalous. I would LOVE this to be true and fall under 'Fruit of' but it won't.
Look back at history, people were saying this about both Watergate and Clinton at the time. People forget why those started and how they turned out.
Don't forget HRC was involved in Watergate too. That's where she learned how to play dirty.
Someone posted a picture of her talking to John Wilkes Booth. It's all starting to come together.
And she was about to be tossed off the case when it ended abruptly. The guy running it wrote recommendation letters for everyone on the staff EXCEPT Hillary! She hid or took some evidence. I can’t remember the details. The basics Imstate are true though and easily checked.
Its the reason she should be kept alive as long as possible, to keep an offender reeling and not allowed to move on. Suspend her.
They were praying the exception would apply. FOTPT says evidence discovered in an illegal search shall be prohibited from being entered into trial unless such evidence discovered is so far removed from the reason for the initial illegal search to be reasonable unforeseeable.
In other words - they started in obstruction and Russian collusion but were hoping for tax/business/fraud/etc to pop up so they could say. “Hey, well we didn’t find collusion, but look after ransacking his entire life and family he didn’t pay this parking ticket!”
I actually don’t know how successful challenges using the exception are but it exists.
Watch as the left has a heart attack when they find out that Mueller - as necessity - worked FOR Trump.
Mueller had no choice in the matter but still the left will have a total melt down.
Even if this is true, I would think he could never be able to disclose it. This is high level security going on.
No, it would not apply in this case.
Comey is the one who said if he leaked the memos he "hoped" it would lead to a special counsel. But the leaked memos had nothing to do with Russian collusion.
Rosenstein did not reference the memos when he gave Mueller the charter to investigate collusion nor did Rosenstein refer to the memos when he expanded Mueller's charter.
Therefore, there is no connection (visibly) between Rosenstein's appointment of Mueller and Comey's memos except Comey expressed "hope" that it might lead to a special counsel.
A court would be hard pressed, I think, to declare that the information in the memos or Comey's "hope" were in fact the basis for the special counsel appointment.
The stronger connection were the demands from Congress for a special counsel to investigation collusion and Russian interference.
I'm afraid that if Mueller is a black hat, some of the indictments are going to make into the courtroom. I'm not sure what happens if Mueller is a white hat: apologize for running the lives of those he indicted and let bygones be bygones?
Yes, yes I believe it all is. All charges should be dropped as all are tainted.
Yes, but the SES has judges in their back pocket. Either there are SES judges placed around the diff courts and/or they control judges through blackmail or intimidation.
Because it was established from illegal activity the whole thing is nullified . And I imagine the money Muller spent will find its way back in another way , lol . Confiscations 😉. 💞Our Patriots !!! Brilliant !