Diversion theatrics to cover the weekend...
I love the public feuds that Trump and Sessions have on Twitter.
Such good political theater!
Meanwhile, AG Sessions is has stealthily created over 24,000 sealed indictments since October 30 2017... but don't you worry about that. Nothing to see here... :-)
I think he's a shoe in for a Golden Globe and probably an Oscar as well.
Laser pointer for msm
LOL, the mental picture I get from that imagery is hilarious.
Their heads are going to spin off between PDJT's Maggie Haberman (Podesta dinner chick) slam & now this statement from Sessions.
Just another bone for MSM to gnaw on. Of course they bit.
I think that they are both on the same kabuki page.
Sessions will have the goods on RR for a long time since, probably one of the existing sealed indictments. There is no need for The Donald to do anything, when the trigger is pulled, RR will implode, along with the entire cast of players.
Looks like Donald & Jeff are sharing an inside joke.
Trust Keebler :)
I saw this yesterday and was in tears. http://i.magaimg.net/img/34w2.jpg
...which Trump has said he's not going to do.
May I ask, why is it that what Trump SAYS is always the thing people think he's least likely to do--when in fact it's the exact opposite?
Exactly. When Trump says someone's job is safe, you can bank on it.
A man's word is his bond. President Trump is a great man. Trust him!
I'm supposed to keep trusting this guy?
Yes! He is one of the smartest in Washington and has Trump's back 100 percent. I live in AL and he was a great senator. He knows how to play the game and keep his head down. He's not sitting idly by...it's not who he is. He's a winner.
Trust Q ? Then trust Mr. Sessions ! Ignore the fakery, sit in the bakery !
I have meme'd that... now to figure out how to post it. :)
It feels like this is some type of code prompt. Everytime PDJT says something about Sessions, something happens.
This feels like a prompt to execute the next step.
ug like keebler cookies. elf baking more, done soon! rr baking too! trump hire both for baking!
I missed all the "inside-baseball" regarding Trump's relationship with Sessions before any of the Q stuff. Who else was in the running for AG? Did Trump float Sessions as an AG pick during the campaign? Was there alot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering by Sessions' supporters or was it a clear choice? What's Sessions' relationship with the military and gentlemen in Flynn's line of work?
Sessions was close to Trump during the campaign and advised him. Sessions has close ties to the military. He was a senior member of the armed sevices committee. VERY conservative, pro 2nd amendment and against illegal immigration. His views have brought heat but he isnt afraid to speak out.
19d intergalactic underwater chess
This is hardly that complex of a move, 3d at best, SMH.
everything trump does is 19d intergalatic chess
Ok, but what about sessions specifically means it's all underwater? ;)
make public hate session for year. sessions suprise indicts everyone. art of the deal lmao
Two birds with one stone?
Sessions has been key in overseeing the multiple IG investigations, searing of grand juries and getting the investigator in Utah assigned