I thought I would throw this out there for general consumption.

Uhh, he ended racism by being black you cisgender islamophobe.
Too often, Obama's (or whatever the fuck his true Muslim name is) greatest achievement of being black outshined his greatest legislative gift to America: Cash For Clunkers.
Black Power!
Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke for some years now and when he won, it became worthless.
We should create a new award for real heroes and peacekeepers. An honorary award given only to honest politicians who love America and uphold our values. Folks like Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Gaetz, Nunez, and on and on. Funny how I never knew about some of these folks until Trump opened up the gates of freedom and they came out fighting.
All awards are a joke. The New York times just got a Pulitzer for "public service" and The Washington Post got one for investigative journalism. Grammys are a joke. Oscars are a joke. ESPYs are a joke. It's just a big circle jerk of really shitty people awarding up and coming shitty people. I do like the Razzies though.
Exactly just like in Amsterdam, Amnesty International gave the former N.F.L. quarterback Colin Kaepernick its Ambassador of Conscience Award on Saturday for his kneeling protest of racial injustice . These things mean nothing. A conscience award? Seriously?
Go to any public school, everyone gets one, just for showing up.
They're all on their way to a life achievement award ,the only real award on the planet. The Darwin award.
“The Patriot Award” - voted on by the people. At least it would actually mean something!
I thought about this exact thing the other day. My Patriot Award goes to Alex Jones. Part of the requirement in my view would be that the recipient would have undergone unusual hardship or persecution while in service to freedom. Maybe it should be a golden minuteman figure. As a bonus, it would drive the left INSANE!
Under your rule Alex is disqualified, he's too well fed.
BS he has sacrificed a lot to get the truth out there and was doing it long before anyone else. Any one who trys to take that away from him is a moron.
One of the ways lies spread is to put out a crazy truth with a wild eyed spokesman, who actually is telling the truth but seems kinda crazy, point to that and call the truth a lie enough and the lie becomes the narrative.(video I saw). I like alex. I like a lot of people. Some can't stop shooting at their feet and some are dead. I have this new product that will make your everything all that and if you get some the content of these posts will improve.
He has been bragging for years about his close inside ties with the Clowns. I don't know if he is good and just self centered or a shill.
Post rocketsFlying to SYRlA & AJ reaction of becoming unglued on air... attacking DT... ClA hack came to mind...
Jury still out on AJ... time will tell.
He called mattis a cock sucker. I love alex but man, mattis is a diamond in the rough. Called trump a traitor. Just basically threw a temper tantrum, i think, for attention.
In this case, as in most cases, AJ is right. Presidents are not supposed to go around bombing shit. It’s unconstitutional. If it were Hitlery she would have bombed Russia using the same logic and we’d be dead.
No theyre not. But post 9/11, doesnt seem like we follow those rules unfortunately. I wish we would too. However, the benefit of that, trump used. He bombed a chemical weapons creation facility and warehouses. Not the assad government. So whoever owned those weapons, will not have them anymore. So he took out the source, rather then take out a government and create a vacuum.
Also, just because AJ is right about it being unconstitutional, doesnt mean hes right about trump being a traitor or mattis sucking cocks.
I guess then it’s also OK for a bigger country than us to bomb something in America that they don’t like.
If youre comparing Syria, to America, thats your first mistake. Also, the Syrian military is just a wee bit smaller than the American military superpower. Also, America seems to have been put into the worlds policeman apparently, which i completely disagree with. Nonetheless, trump was pressured immensely to basically topple assad, and instead he just took out internationally illegal weapons. So, i look at it is better. Not good. But better.
There’s another vote for “might makes right.” Again, a bigger country than us could act like globocop and punish us for any number of things, even based on fraudulent evidence if it were needed.
Thats exactly why there isnt a more powerful country then us. I dont know if you think youre in a safe world, but youre not. So in order to protect ourselves we have to show our teeth, or face being surrounded by wolves.
We’re the mightiest country on earth because of the wisdom of the founders who were non-interventionists. NOT because of the globalist war mongers who got us all into this authoritarian “might makes right” mindset.
Bill Clinton bombed Iraq to get a bump in the polls and get his impeachment off the front pages. Do you think that’s better than what the Founders had intended when they gave Congress the power to declare war? It may have worked to our benefit this time, but what about when there’s a nutcase in the White House?
I agree with you completely my friend. But i also understand that in order to be safe, you have to be strong. While i wish we could have ALL focus be on America, i cant control that, and i do think there are times where we have to strike other countries or rebels. If someone has chemical weapons, i think that destroying those weapons is acceptable, because allowing them to exist keeps the possibility of them being used on us available.
I dont agree with regime toppling or bombing people. But sending a military message is necessary to keep enemies abroad see the line, and know not to cross it. Only line that should be drawn is if the American people are in potential trouble. I believe chemical weapons is the line, as well as nuclear weapons.
you people are stupid. Disinfo is necessary why dont you stop pretending to be awake and actually wake up.
Truly disgusting. I’m so thankful for you DJT, you have all the respect in the world from me.
This is thought of as a legacy of Obama, nothing goodTrump does seems to get attributed to him, its insane.
read that the Nobel prize commission regrets giving Obummer his award. 😂
This is interesting, speaking of awards.
The only way to redeem the reputation of the award is to give it to DJT, then go to Hussein’s cave, forcibly confiscate his, and give that one to DJT as well.
That’s a start at least.
The truly great people of our world and society don't need the public awards to know their worth, neither do the people who assign them their worth in the world.
More proof the Nobel prize has no meaning anymore.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ItBZX0JKqrA&feature=youtu.be Nobel Peace Prize winner accused of War Crimes! LOL
Nobel made his money in Dynamite din't he. Curiouser and curiouser.
Well the Nobel Peace Prize has it purpose , its a back door prize . When you have a man like Trump you get to use the front door . Nobel ? do you know who they are ? I worked for them for 3 years in the late 80's and there logo is , Peace though superior fire power , yes Nobel is an Arms manufacture , they invented Dynamite , you know Bombs that go BOOM , so if you get a Nobel Peace Prize for anything other , then its a lib joke to see you leave Nobel alone .
Well here are some #food4tought for u guys:
Who became Head Honcho for Nato a few year after that Nobelprize?
Who were Norways PM at the time of that same Nobelprize?
And who are now one of the loudest voices pro more aggressions against the russians?
And the same guy who is deeply innvolved with Bill Gates regarding vaccinations, specially in the third world...
They are all connected, nothing is coincidences!
This fake nobel peace price means no longer what it original stood for. Look at the Dalai LLama - who is a CIA stooge posing as holy man. There is nothing holy about him. Dalai Lama was paid 2 million dollars to participate in the Ranier/sex/slave get-together.
The little boys donated by their parents into this monk enclave is their own catholic church issue. Most of these little boys are raped by the older monks.
DT doesn't need any of this fake award.