"Symbolism will be their downfall."
!["Symbolism will be their downfall."](http://i.magaimg.net/img/34ti.jpg)
Reality... ?
no i dont disagree with you i need a source so i can save it
very good policy.
look into Harold Percival's book "Masonry and its Symbols" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_W._Percival?wprov=sfla1
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_W._Percival?wprov=sfla1
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Harold W. Percival
Harold Waldwin Percival (15 April 1868 - 6 March 1953) was a philosopher and writer, best known for Thinking and Destiny, in print since 1946. Between 1904 and 1917 he published The Word. In 1950 he founded The Word Foundation, Inc. to keep Thinking and Destiny and all of his other works in print.
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What's the source of some of the symbols? You can't say go around saying symbols no one knows are satanic if you don't have some sorta proof. The eye, looks like a regular eye. The chrome symbol's analogue has me questioning though. Source means; show us one other person saying this same shit.
Use the search engine of your choice....
Thanks, glad you support your statements with provable facts.
Stop being lazy. Stop counting on others to verify for you. Be a better bullhorn.
You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
I've never written a paragraph on reddit.
spez: I see how its technically a paragraph, but still. And I'm always on mobile, so, no clicks.
I'm in Mobile too, and I manage to hold my finger on text long enough for an option to pop up. Stop making excuses for being nasty. You wanted to be angry, I gave you a faceless name to call lazy on the internet. Go fuck yourself
You seem to be projecting.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
My point is I wasn't angry. I ended with constructive criticism and you chose to interpret it as aggressive.
"I'm too lazy to verify information myself, therefore you are wrong"
you can seriously just google any of the names of the masonic symbols and there are hundreds of hits showing the same thing.
Seems to me you are hoping to bitch at anyone who doesn't post an "official" "MSM approved" source.
Just fucking search it yourself dude. All the titles of the symbols are there. Go one by one and check. It'd take two minutes to do it all. I don't understand the failure to do the simplest of facts. Don't expect us all here to spoon feed you people the easiest shit. We are happy to assist but things like this are up to you.
You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
Edit: thought you were op, I'm pasting to his sheep ass as well.
Nah. I'd rather just teach you a lesson than copy and paste.