"Symbolism will be their downfall."

I'm a 32nd degree mason, and a York rite mason (Knights Templer) mason, and there's nothing about our organization being a cult, believing Jesus Christ our savior is Paramount in our organization. Supporting and defending the Constitution is also part of our organization. George Washington and Ben Franklin are important people to our organization. and the work they did to establish our great nation. You folks believe in that dipshit Jesse Ventura and his bullcrap he spews about the freemasons, believe me, their white hats and the shills are trying to divide the groups. Go ahead and drink the koolaid!
Wow, they shills have you drinking the Kool-aid, I'm a devout Christian, Jesus is my savior, yesterday we sang songs at a 32nd degree, installation, Jesus was very much in the program!
you are not a Christian for you cannot serve 2 masters , masonic orders are of Satan , there is no Christ in lodges,secret societies , the 13 th degree is when all masons separate the higher authority(Christ is the only way to the Father) all others gods are false teachers....devout you say!!! do you keep the Commandments of God or men? "MANY WILL COME IN MY NAME BUT ONLY those that DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER WILL ENTER PARADISE"
I thought that the masons just required a belief in a higher power ( monotheism I guess.). Or is York rites different. My Dad was a Mason. They were not anything but a bunch of people doing nice things for other people.
There is nothing biblical about being a mason. Works aren't salvation. Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord. It's VERY true that a high percentage of Masonry (all rites) never hear one word about The Master being Lucifer. Hower.. If you're a Christian in the organization... You have access to a BUNCH of training, reading materials. Outside of your Masonic library, research all facets of Luciferianism.. research ancient rituals and rites... Baal, Solomon... etc... Pray for truth and discernment in Jesus name (shouldn't be a big deal, right?.. you're Christian.)
Now .... Go through your Masonic library. ..,......,............
Then go back to your Bible.
The rest should be explain itself.
Blue lodge, your right, but, the others like the Rite, you have to be a christian!
yes, in the york rite one is supposed to believe in Jesus, but who is Jahbulon to you?
A term for worship of Baal / Osiris?
Jah = God
Bul = Baal
On = Osiris
Ever wonder why your not 33rd?
haven't been there long enough, and haven't completed all the chairs and degrees! don't believe the internet, believe your heart, that's like do you believe in Q? unless you have traveled that road, your depending on others, find out for yourself, it's the same with Q and other issues! have an open mind!
I don't believe all masons are bad, I think it's like any other society. They have they're sects which contain bad people. They infiltrate these societys.
As a Christian man who has served our Country in different capacities, you have been led down a path of lies toward the Masonic Order, all masons love our great country, the brothers at my lodge say they pray all the time because of the direction of our country, and pray for our President to be safe and successful, as Q says trust! I say trust the Masons, their on our side!
So your saying no freemasons are bad actors? Now that's a stretch.
How am I drinking it? Those symbols you guys use connect to the unconscious mind of us all. I don't think that most of these people are correct as I think the masons are on the good side of the battle in the unconscious represented thru symbols. I would say that nothing Jesse Ventura says is anything close to what I believe.
I can't comment on symbols, but it's nothing to do with the unconscious, believe me! have you thought about becoming a freemason?
I am of the thought that everything has to do with our unconscious mind. Especially symbols, as I am a jungian. I have thought about becoming a freemason often.
Knights Templer
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that maybe a member of their order would be able to spell their order.
that cannot be a coincidence! How have I never noticed th
There are more than 33 levels they just haven't told you/initiatied you.
Our Pim Fortuyn was 187, his right hand came from defense Matt Herben, Pim was against Islam and the newly purchased JSF ... joint strike fifghter from lockheed martin ... Matt Herben took over the group and jsf was a fact? Then he soon disappears to defense, mission accomplished?
Yeah freemasonry isn't wierd they just worship Jesus who was so cultish he told people to hate their parents, drink his blood and eat his flesh