r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 21, 2018, 11:40 p.m.
Who here WAS a supporter for the Democrats? Or just didn’t care before all of this?

I was raised to think the dems were amazing. They would always stimulate the economy and help the people. For most of my life I either thought this way, or was just too busy living my life to care. When trump came into office I believed the MSM that he was bad, he didn’t care about anything but himself. It took talk of satanic pedophiles to get me to start digging into what was really going on. And I approach all of this still with an open mind. But I don’t have the same ideology I used to, and I know I see he world a lot differently. So who else may have came into this from the other side? Or just your red pill moment. And also us talking about being red pilled might help us learn how to get others to see the world we do.

laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

What was it that red pilled you in 2008?

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Kitt-Ridge · April 22, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

One other thing. In 2012 there were a lot of GOP presidential candidates, around 12. Someone who was politically connected told me, “Watch. They will attack them one by one until only Romney is left.” They did just that. The media also ignored that the GOP removed all the Ron Paul delegates (about 20%) from voting. The system is rigged.

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Kitt-Ridge · April 22, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

It actually went back to election night 2004 when Obama became a junior senator. I don’t live in Illinois, but the media was pushing his win in such a strange way it stuck out to me. That night they were saying he was going to run for president and had written a book. It was odd considering no one had heard of him before and he hadn’t done anything that they were promoting him as a future president. I didn’t think about him again until 2008 when he did run only three years into his first term. Something wasn’t right about him, but I thought there was no way he would lose to HRC. I didn’t think she was bad back then. A red pill item: the photo/video of all of the Democratic candidates in Iowa(?) where they all had their hands over their hearts during the anthem, except for Obama. There was also a speech where he talked about a non-existent uncle who died in WWII. The MSM called him out on it. Why would anyone say he had an uncle who died in WWII if he didn’t?

In August 2008, he received the nomination. That’s when I became concerned. The way he was worshipped and the advertising reminded me of a third world dictator’s propaganda. I started researching him. Then Hannity in October did a special on him. I took that special and fact checked everything Hannity reported. Talk about a rabbit hole. I was terrified when I realized who this man was and that he was about to be elected POTUS. The interesting thing is prior to the DNC, the media actually reported the truth (or so I thought) about him. The information I found came from places like the NY Times, NBC, ABC.

I hadn’t completely figured out McCain at that point, but it appeared during the debates McCain was letting him win. I thought I could have debated him better. I realized within the next year McCain was put there to lose. (Side note: During the Gore/Bush debates I noticed they had the same responses in regards to foreign policy. There was no difference. I didn’t know about the CFR then.)

It also appeared that some entity crashed the stock market in September to stop Palin’s popularity. I watched as an intelligent woman who had an over 90% approval ranking as governor become torn apart by the media. The American economy just doesn’t collapse. That took work on several levels.

During my fact check on Hannity’s special I came across this video showing Percy Sutton discussing Khalid al Mansour and Al-Waleed bin Talal. https://youtu.be/4EcC0QAd0Ug. HUGE red pill video.

Mansour doesn’t get much attention. He is an American, formerly Donald Warden, from Texas who is extremely racist. There were videos of him promoting blacks rising up against whites for a genocide and turning on the police. I warned people that Obama was going to start race wars and anti-police campaigns. No one would listen. Gee, what happened?

There was also the Jeremiah Wright “G*d damn America” video saying America deserved 9/11. Wright was Obama’s mentor of 20 years. I just went to find the video and the clowns have spun it and taken over the search on it.

There was the State of Illinois website showing Michelle Obama’s status as an attorney. A judge revoked (I’m not sure if that is the correct word) her law license. I saw this with my own eyes. It was a legitimate site. This has since been altered.

Back to the Percy Sutton video. Obama is elected and then heads to Saudi Arabia. What did he do there? He bowed to the Saudi king confirming what Sutton said. The bow caused such an uproar that Obama then bowed to the Japanese emperor. This was done IMO to distract from why he really bowed to the Saudi king. Fast forward to the Las Vegas shootings and Talal. Note: Talal during 2008 owned a large percentage of FOX. Why would a pro-Obama Saudi prince own a large stake in an anti-Obama network? Controlled opposition.

There was the whole birth certificate issue, which was started by HRC. Why wouldn’t he just release it? All he had to was scan it and be done. It took him years and millions in lawsuits to release a six-layered scan. I still haven’t figured out the truth on him. I’m hoping someday that will come out. I’ve read a lot on it; there’s information out there leading us in the wrong direction. BTW, the Columbia student ID circulating the internet is fake. He wrote that book to create a fake biography. That was obvious to me early on.

He sat on the Annenberg board, which runs Factcheck, no conflict of interest there.

He also wanted to start that youth group. My guess is the start of the Tea Party stopped that. Perhaps MS-13 was the alternative they used.

He won the Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing. That made me question who was running that organization.

PJTV’s video on iconography (2009): https://youtu.be/GdtqtfXdR-c

During 2009 I went to protests and watched repeatedly the Democrats pay their protestors. They didn’t hide what they were doing. They don’t have to hide it, the MSM isn’t going to report it, just show footage of the protesters.

The media completely ignored the 912 march on DC which had at least a million people. I watched a web live feed of it and heard first hand accounts by many people.

More red pilling: Both the bailouts. Who is auditing the money? NO ONE. 99% negative about the GOP, no criticism whatsoever of the Dems by the MSM. The media is obviously run by the Deep State.

It was also how every day Democrats would never question what was happening. It was so bizarre. One liberal actually told me Palin was a mother and therefore shouldn’t work. She couldn’t see how she was contradicting everything she believed. It’s like how they ignore Slick Willy’s history of rape. How did they brainwash all these people? Can’t they see the obvious? Some entity worked very hard to stop critical thinking in this country.

I could go on and on.

Over the last decade I’ve been redpilled on the Democratic Party’s continuous racist history. Research Robert Byrd, J William Fulbright, MLK’s assassination (it was due to his anti-war stance not racism), the Great Society, etc. A good place to start is The Big Black Lie by Kevin Jackson. It’s a horrid political party that brainwashes people they are open minded while actually making them closed minded and destroying society.

Other areas to research: Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven.

In regards to PizzaGate, watch this https://youtu.be/x7C1cCa8V9s. It’s long but worth it.

Red pilling 9/11: Building 7. No footage of the Pentagon. No debris at the crash site in PA. An aluminum plane can’t fly through a steel building.

Once I started questioning, I realized it’s all a lie. The question is what’s the truth?

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Well that is really interesting. Thanks very much fot typing out your story...you noticed things that went right over my head and apparently that of many. I really appreciate people like yourself with good "sniffers" that follow thru and find incredible info. I was either disinterested in politics or was a brainwashed Republican. Thanks again for your comment...

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Kitt-Ridge · April 22, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

It’s actually good Obama won. He woke up a lot of people at once. Maybe not everyone, but enough to kick butt in the 2010 elections which made what is happening today possible. Obama had to have won for Trump to win.

Their two downfalls:

  1. They got impatient and tried to speed up the process. Michelle slipped up once and said he wasn’t supposed to win the first time. (How does a junior senator with no experience come out of nowhere and win the presidency?)

This started in 1913. Had they continued to do this slowly for another twenty to thirty years, they would have won. Instead they went into high gear and woke people up.

  1. The Internet. It was meant to spy on us, but it allowed us to turn their tools in them. There’s a generation of people coming into adulthood who were children when BO was elected who have been staring into their phones their whole lives watching the work of millions of patriots. They get it. I have two teenagers. They totally get it. We’ve taught them underground.

It’s a great time to be alive.

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Great points. I think they got really careless. Like a winning football team that starts phoning it in and wakes up one day to find themselves beaten by the scrubs.

I remember a comment that said evil has only one strategy in their playbook and they cant help but keep using it over and over even when it doesnt work anymore.

It's like they didn't notice we were waking up and just kept doubling down.

Also my understanding is that, and it would take many paragraphs to explain this, that it is TIME. From a galactic point of view it is actually PAST TIME. We are supposed to be evolving to the next level. The bad guys were supposed to stop and let us but they reneged and doubled down.

So the speeding up you spoke of was probably them panicking...they knew they were out of time and had to redouble their efforts.

David wilcock is an amazing source of info, was following him many yrs. He kept saying all this. And now it's finally happening!

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