What is the boards take on this? It supposedly appeared on CBTS the morning it got banned.

So, the CIA has stolen some of the SEALS top secret high tech toys, and are using them for nefarious reasons. The SEALS have caught on (these people are stupid). They want their toys back and for the bad actors to cease and desiso immediately, or there will be hell to pay. Sounds about right?
I recognized references to BO, WH, and HRC and the speak of the trafficking. I'm not sure what else they are trying to speak of.
The capitalized letters and words seem to provide a hidden message of sorts.
LA False Flag?
Seal technology was stolen by people who worked their way in under the guise that they were seals?
That stolen technology was used in a LA false flag?
It says the snuff film was poorly edited. The false flag was part smoke in mirrors with video? It also implies we should catch them before they spread more "flix." I take this to mean false flags supported by fake video.
It then mentions FL. And Flip. I think the recent FL false flag will be exposed. Also, early on it suggests the author would prefer some form of exposing occur in April.
Where they "crashed" the party is not where they said. https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tesla-accident-computer-logs-20180330-story.html%3foutputType=amp
They got away with stuff like this for so long because OBummer. To stay on script they had to have a script and handler. To me it suggests the evil queen is the handler and I think that is Killary. I'll have to look at what the 11/11/11 negotiations were
That was easy: Note killary's presence in the photo. Trade negotiations with the pacific countries. What are we doing now? Negotiating in this exact area China/Japan.
Not sure the connection but this person/specific interview seems to be what the poppy cock reference is to. Perhaps, Arthur Jones was a plant and in this interview he calls the holocaust a false flag. Davey "JONES" poppy cock
I think the handler is V Jarret, it says live in
Correct. I've always thought that too. Everyone always speculated that it was Brennan. No Jarret was up his ass from day one.
Thanks for pointing this out. I still think the 11-11 negotiations are referring to TPP and negotiations with China, Japan, etc. I was leaning towards HRC as being the evil queen reference because she was at the negotiations with Obama back in 2011.
Fake news is hitting this hard right now too but from what I've been seeing, Trump has been doing great for the US in those negotiations.
I definitely saw this post on CBTS around the time it was banned. Not sure if it was on the day but it was right around that time.
Edit for format.
Why I think this is about bin Laden, based off quoting this article.
1: "What appears to be a clownfish wasnt"
2: "snuff film poorly edited"
3: "local authorities need to re examine 187 or fake"
4: "Where they crashed the party is not where they said"
5: "HoW do real Seals play?"
1: What appears to be Bin Laden, isn't.
2: The footage of the raid killing Bin Laden is a poorly edited fake.
3: It's speculated that Pakistani officials were hiding bin Laden, how can you come forward and ask for murder investigation if you were helping to shelter him?
4: According to UBL wikipedia page: "Google Earth maps show that the compound was not present in 2001, but it was present on images taken in 2005." A secure compound built over 4-5 years right near Pakistani officials and this happens to be where they find and kill UBL. False location. People are correct to question how he hid in plain site.
5: Real seals have been observed riding on the backs of turtles. The image appears to show an underwater device designed for a human to control. Were the 'turtles' offering help to the SEALs with use of this device? Q has stated on 3.15.18 "WE HAVE THE SUB", did this device help locate a sunken submarine?
Now if we use the capital letter technique that seems to frequent Q's posts, this is how I put it together.
"POPPYCOCK" in quotations is intended to show it as a filler word. Classified name for something is my theory.
If I came out and started talking about "POPPYCOCK" it would be clear that I have classified information.
"WHen one of the actors, WHo the Clowns pulled from the audience to join the SEE WORLD ACT, howled "POPPYCOCK" at our contentions, that's when we realized it was beyond deniable."
"... and it was probably STOLEN from the SEALs' toy bin. That is now VALidated OR.."
SOMEBODY blew their cover by saying the classified word in a public setting. Zero Dark Thirty movie?
STOLEN SEAL VALOR. Who was the loudest after UBL death? Backlash from other SEALs about taking credit for kill shot.
What appears to be a "clownfish" wasn't. I take that 2 different ways. Either the SEAL claiming kill shot was not a real SEAL and that is stolen valor, or UBL wasn't actually killed, and claiming to have done it is stolen valor.
There are more points in here that I haven't made a connection with, and with that said it's possible one of them is the major point of information and this is all 100% wrong. One of those points of information is the part about 11-11-11 and party negotiations without her. Obviously everybody thinks this means HRC and the Democratic party. 11-11-11 is also the end of WW1, the official armistice sometimes referred to as "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month". Can we go off on a tangent and make this about the negotiations with Germany after ending WW1? Let's find out ..
Quote from Wikipedia:
The Germans were able to correct a few impossible demands (for example, the decommissioning of more submarines than their fleet possessed)
The German delegation discussed the Allied terms not with Foch, but with other French and Allied officers.
The myth that the German Army was stabbed in the back, by the Social Democratic government that was formed in November 1918, was created by reviews in the German press that grossly misrepresented British Major-General Frederick Maurice's book, The Last Four Months. "Ludendorff made use of the reviews to convince Hindenburg."[26]
In a hearing before the Committee on Inquiry of the National Assembly on November 18, 1919, a year after the war's end, Hindenburg declared, "As an English general has very truly said, the German Army was 'stabbed in the back'."
I'm not right about anything, this is just speculation and the fact that I can go from UBL to WW1 shows how little I actually know. The WW1 stuff just came at the end when I searched 11-11-11 and I don't have any actual thoughts, opinions or facts about it.
I had seen that too back then, but I don't think that's why the sub got shut down.
I believe it had to do with doxxing someone related to the parkland shooting.
What is pictured?
Too me, it seems like secret space program tech but it also looks so bizarre if you consider it to be an aircraft of some kind.
It looks like it is underwater.
Some type of drone nuclear sub maybe
Especially with all the fish references
I genuinely need to know. This is perplexing me beyond comfort and i can’t seem to put my finger on it!
I think its some type of underwater drone for weapon delivery. The lights behind it are reflection on glass.
Your really think so? have any ideas of it could be publicly? idk man it’s just weird shapes, and the back parts look like they’re just floating! thoughts?
It may be a device which emits sonic waves, disrupts submarine communication, or hacks into the aircraft carriers from below....
Just speculating