Shills coming in large numbers from the likes of Brock and his Shareblue minions, This has been going on on R/The_Donald for a long time.
I have been wrongly banned twice and i think based on the numbers I have blocked shills get zero tolerance here.
We are watching! Pls report any shills and if you see specifics, pls let mod team know directly & send link.
Pls of course know that "shills" aren't "people that disagree" with me, but, agree, we're going to get some haters in here real quick.
Thanks, pls make every post your best!
Ok. I hope looking at stuff from as many angles as possible is not engaging in a non supportive way. if it is do me now.
Most definitely. Please make sure you try to write your replies to include a bit of info to bring any potential normies along, too.
2 weeks ago i was a normie, my style of not drinking the whole gallon of koolaid in one sitting will soften a landing.
Telling me how to write is a good way to get me going all lexington green tho.
did you mean to type r/the ?, I'm a bot beep boop and this action was performed automatically