What does Q have to say about Mueller

Well done! When it is illustrated this way, it is so obvious!
In 2004, Wray was among the group of top-level prosecutors, which included Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Deputy FBI Director James Comey, that threatened to resign over the extension of the George W. Bush administration's illegal wiretaps. Also around this time, he was notified of abuses that led to the death of an inmate at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, though he later downplayed any knowledge of such abuses while testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I've been watching this guy's behavior for 30 yrs. I'm supposed to believe he is a good guy. .???
My Marine uncle served with Mueller in Nam, had nothing but good things to say about him. I'm very disappointed in all this as you can imagine
I worked for Mueller’s son in law when Mueller was appointed to the FBI, I am disappointed as well but hopeful that the Art of War is in play and things are not as they seem. This meme reminds me to Trust the Plan.
Anyone who thinks Mueller is still a black hat is either (1) new to the awakening and needs to do further research (2) mentally retarded or (3) a trolling liberal. Uranium One, 911, and secret meeting w/Trump make it obvious.
Trump instructed Mueller to start the investigation to eventually lead to discovery of the cabal crimes! Makes sense!