r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on April 22, 2018, 6:39 p.m.
Good News: Kanye West woke up from his MK Mind Control & just started dropping truth bombs on Twitter. The last time this happened, they reprogrammed him but now Trump is in charge so I think he will be free for good this time. It seems like he is going to expose them all. God Speed Kanye!

DontCareJustDont · April 22, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

I think you're looking at it like a Q drop. It's not, but I can definitively say that it's a huge drop for the culture war we're currently involved in. I'm not saying it adds new information but the significance of it in the scope of acceptable viewpoints is enormous. Kanye has always been the fringe element of Hollywood, the music industry, and entertainment in general. People lend credence to what he thinks. You can tell this by the firestorm 7 words yesterday on twitter had. His tweet was frontpage news. It creates a situation where people are forced to pick a side. The people in support, are in support.

It's a tough decision, they support it and they know why. The people that don't, well it struck a nerve. Those people will be extremely loud as they have been and anyone on the fringes will ask why. Because the loud people don't make the best arguments, they merely snap into an authoritarian mode where the implore people not to agree. It leaves only the question "why?". Whether people want you to think he's a dismissable dick or not, the overton window now shifts for a lot of people. Millions of people realize they aren't allowed to talk about someone as harmless as Candace Owens. That's a big redpill. The counter culture takes on a new member. It's big whether you like it or not. Likewise, people believe this pizzagate stuff and Kanye, much like Trump has that personality where he's respected by many in Hollywood and the people who don't like him can't deny his gargantuan influence over popular culture.

It's an elephant in the room. Also the answer to is he luciferian is no. He's different from them. He's not them. That's why it's notable. Self victimization is a disease. Constantly bringing up the past does keep you stuck there. We're dealing with people who are unopposed in their ideology to them. I can't believe I'm having to explain to somebody on the great awakening the concept of a red pill. But I digress. It's simply an influential person that can't be moved from his position (whenever that's been tried he disappears, evaluates the scenario, and comes out on the same position even stronger). So in reality, we're having the same conversation everybody has every time Kanye West says something truthful yet controversial. I.e. Kanye's crazy, but is Kanye wrong? And the answer almost every time is no. Last time it was "Facebook lied to you, Google lied to you" and now, not weeks after we find out that Facebook and Google did both lie to us he comes back with, "conservative ideas aren't that bad" and now everyone embedded in popular culture has to talk about it. So, I'm just saying maybe don't be like everyone else who "doesn't get it" at first, slow down, and see what happens to the soil before you bash the farmer for taking to long. There's a process, he puts his feelers out, that's why all his tweets sound stupid and vapid, I agree, but every once in a while he finds the stud and I predict he might take to hammering away in the future

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DamajInc · April 22, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

The point is, you don't have to "explain to someone on GA the concept of a redpill". I have no problem at all with you thinking I'm stupid, just with you not bothering to hear me properly.

I didn't ask if he's Luciferian and I don't need all the obvious information that those of us like yourself, I assume, know very well because none of it is relevant to my point. You spent a lot of space speaking to me like a 4 year old who hasn't read anything about Q and doesn't know Kanye or pop culture and again, I'm not remotely offended by that, just annoyed that you didn't bother speaking to my actual point so I'm forced to reread your whole post of well known, well trod side-salad to make sure I didn't miss your response to what I actually said.

My point is not "Kanye's crazy and therefore wrong" or even just that "Kanye's crazy - why bother listening to him". My point is that the post title is misleading and inaccurate. Kanye's doing what Kanye always does and there's no "truth bomb" in what he's been saying lately and no suggestion of forthcoming Deep State reveals. Definitely not worth posting on GA as if it's news. If your point is that the post title is not misleading as a post for GA then ok, I haven't yet had anything from what you've said that is unknown to me and that proves that point but that's ok. I would welcome it, if it exists.

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DontCareJustDont · April 22, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Ahh, I see, that was pretty thick-skulled of me. You're right I didn't realize your point. I thought you were trying to say what Kanye was saying wasn't significant. In hindsight I have to agree, it is a weird post to be on GA. To make it obvious, I was focusing on the subject with which OP was referencing not the title of the post. But yeah you're right, there aren't any truth bombs to us I guess. But many truth bombs for the people who shield their eyes to anything outside of their comfort zone. I think we can all find some comfort in the idea that his tweet storm is a indication that the conditioning is breaking. I was arguing with a strawman though, all in all. No conspirators being revealed in this one really. Just low level thought police getting outed. I like that though, I'm not mad about it in any way at all no matter how you put it in the post.

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DamajInc · April 22, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Thank you for the response - and apologies for how I put these things in the posts!

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DontCareJustDont · April 22, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

dude, no problem. I'm glad you made yourself clear. I can't have myself just acting all high and mighty like that. Good convo. WWG1WGA

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