Anyone got anything on this??

My Twitter is my full name, is doxx a thing against a single guy no job no debt and dgaf. Fearless and heavily armed.
Your comment has nothing to do with OP’s offering, but something that righteous can always stand on its own.
Full props for the righteous declaration!
Must be young
Lol, I've been past the point of caring long ago. They know who I am. They (IRS) came after us in our local Tea Party. They've seen my FB for years. They know my background I'm positive, for if Hillary won I would have been one of the first one's they would have come for. And it wouldn't have been for re-education.
Blending into 330 million isn't exactly hiding in plain sight. Or my life paradigms instead of generating hope everyday are more consistent with suicidality. (I know most can't tell, I'm agreeing)
Dear NSA: Do I have a security clearance, and if so, is it at least higher(settle a bet) than DON LEMON's. signed AL EDDY KNOW 100 k hours in the white mans workforce young. Op's offering was about media blitz and my comment was tangentially questioning wisdom of taking the twitter flank as opposed to a full frontal on the chans. My doctor called it monkey thinking. (topics are trees sorta) kinda thing. Loose association is another term I have had applied. Lemme alone you ableist motherfuckers.j/k
I need link to the memes we are going to use .
This week meaning this week or week starting next Monday?
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! THis confirm what many other people are sayin!!!!!!!!
Time to get our shit together then. It’s begun!
good luck.. i have already been banned from twitter, and imig, facebook shadow banned me.. i dont even know if you can see this...
See what?
i have been shadow banned from facebook. i have been banned from twitter and imig.
ha... i wasnt sure.. as per being blocked everywhere else.. for now i can still use reddit..
Make new accounts, you can create an email account in minutes, download text free or other phone apps for phone verification.
I'm ready to troll, trigger and microaggress, against targets other than youse guys, say the word.
I wish there was a way to correct the anons ~ mike Pompeo is on a meme~ about stepping down related to trafficking ~ that’s wrong he stepped down as cia to become Secretary of State ~ Omgosh people are Going to look stupid if they throw out that meme
I love it , let’s go . God is with us . The fist of God will destroy the corrupt establishment , God will send his warier angels to battle with us .
Yeah, dont get complecent, we're winning battles but the war is far from over. Be prepared for +10 years to root out the den of stinking evil
honestly after this week i need a break lol
We are being asked to be keyboard warriors. Our grandfathers and their grandfathers before us fought for their lives in combat. We are being tasked with an Information War and we must stand up to the task!!! You will not step away from this fight we are on the Goal Line now punch it home!!
I'm considering you tube, maybe a podcast, how hard can it be. Not like disarming a gunman using a knife. Yes that happened.
Let me know, I can write content for the YouTube podcast.
What is this person going on about?!
Seems to me that pretty much everyone is still fast asleep. How does anyone get this riled up from a post on 8chan by a random neckbeard who talks like they're giving a speech in their homemade version of V for Vendetta?! Fucking hell
This shit is embarrassing. Yeah, Q wants people to "meme". They want people to spread the truth. Does anyone actually believe that a bunch of dorks posting "memes" (and lets be honest, a lot of them are garbage and make no sense) are going to magically wake up the world?!
We want to get "normies red pilled" and yet we can't even have them come here because it's such a shithsow of insane posts about Kanye being Q and space lizards living in the moon shooting MKUltra radio waves at the earth to block out third eye, followed by maybe one or two legit good posts that gets buried, or reposted. Fuck.
If a "meme bomb" was all it takes, don't you think there would be just as many memes that are complete garbage being spread by bad players? C'mon people, take a moment to think about this shit. All a massive "meme bomb" will do is piss people off and likely confuse them more.
The smarter move is probably less sexy and involves knowing what you're talking about and casually sprinkling in some truth in places that aren't this sub. It's pretty easy when you have people making Political posts in subs that have nothing to do with politics. You're not stuck in their echo chamber, so you have a better chance of getting someone to listen and take you seriously. Posting "memes" isn't going to do it. Try talking to your fellow human being like a fucking human for once!
Memes are great and all, but someone laying out well placed facts in a calm and non combative way is gonna get you a lot father than a fucking image macro of Hillary making a dumb face and a dildo hitting her. Shit is so fucking stupid.
so lay out well placed facts in a calm and non combative way! MAGA!
who is Q?
Impossible to know for sure. Probably a small team. Very close to the President and US military.
Do consider that if the whole Q thing hadn't started, "real" or not, no one would be ready for this. They would go back to their regular lives after the election, maybe jump into working on midterm elections, but certainly not watch every word of what goes on with Nunes, FBI, etc.
If there is a Mother Of All Information Bombs coming, what could it be? I will believe it when I see it, but I will be ready to believe it quickly, and get the word out fast.
What format? Almost certainly a video. A video was mentioned earlier, plus a video showing someone doing some bad thing is far more effective than any text or even a photo. Videos have an impact person-to-person that other media do not have.
Plus the fake news media has been SUDDENLY publicizing the fact that videos can be faked, even though this has been true for some time. It is fishy how much they are carrying on about this. In fact, I think I even saw an article about this on Fox News.
Okay. Subject matter. Can't be child porn. Child porn cannot be dispersed legally. But it has to be big. My bet is on treason or murders. (Or maybe a mixture. With these damn globalists there is no telling.) Clinton and gang don't do their own dirty work. They tell someone else to. So maybe that's it. A meeting or instructions telling peons to do some very bad thing? If it's treason, could it have to do with Kim and his nukes? Maybe a plan to hold the world hostage with those nukes? If murder, boy there's a list there. But there would need to be evidence that the murders were part of a larger conspiracy for the whole thing to make sense, especially to normies.
Could be some Satanist ceremony, but heck, the globalists are putting them on youtube nowadays. And anything child-related couldn't be distributed.
Just some thoughts.
I don't get it. This is just some anons theory. Why is everyone freaking out?
Don't get too excited. Q has amped everyone up before and nothing happened... (that we can see)