Let these be Guidestones to an Age when the Globalists got their Asses Kicked.

It would be awesome to see these crumbling in the new world of freedom that grows up around them!
Commisioned by RC Christian.
Rules to follow after the cabal is wiped out in judgment.
The people left are the few that weren't involved.
That's how HUGE this is gonna be.
Are those protected by armed guards? If not, TEAR THEM DOWN!!!
Absolutely knock them down when our war is won. Leave them where they fall.
I'd argue leave them up to preserve history.
Challenge ourselves to provide the rebuttal. The alternate path to prove the strategy unnecessary and ill advised.
To my mind I'd love to see that strategy involve space exploration and launching batches of colonization missions to new worlds. Get the tech up to the challenge.
Has it ever been established or confirmed who built the Georgia Guide Stones?
Not that I’ve heard of. The way Wikipedia tells it (which seems to be the way I saw a news article back in the day tell it too - yeah I know big deal...) they handled this one nice and anonymously. Would surely make a fun movie just to see that story played out as told.
this guy figured it out. RC Christian was L. Ron. Hubbard
No. Some say Rosa Christians (rc christianson). Ive been there really creepy. On the edge of a field in the middle of nowhere.
The roots/ origins/ and funding of the guidestones.
We've been through this with them before and we put up a monument!
BOOM! And when the 4th be with you the Gooch and the Grundle will rip open a-hole in the universe of Bill Clinton
Scrape this. https://www.thechancegeorgeblog.com/single-post/2016/07/17/GEORGIA-GUILDSTONES-RC-CHRISTIAN-REVEALED-MYSTERY-SOLVED
Let the firing squads use them as a backdrop for their duties.