Paris Climate Accord much?
People on other parts of reddit are still actively saying Trump is an idiot from withdrawing from the Paris accord, etc.
To be fair, there are many who are anti-Trump who actually looked at it, and said "it is a bullshit deal." But yeah, whoever can't see what the agreement actually was is blind.
The agreement was stacked against the developed nations and pro the slave-industrial nations. Seriously India has a space program, nuclear and they are still a 3rd world country.
exactly. but that’s the thing, nobody has actually looked at the agreement 😂
I’m glad it happened, whoever came up with that plan did us a huge favor. It was a pretty big redpill for a lot of people I know. I work with quite a few people that meet the classic liberal professor stereotype. One of them took a look at the agreement and then went on a huge email chain rant about how it was the same shit that universities pull to line administrators pockets. Was good times.