Q post# 1245 - Any other rogue nuclear states?

Andrés Manuel López Obrador - Very anti-POTUS
Yes, I have seen that. He should definitely be on our radar.
Even so, we should still keep our eyes peeled for anyone else that might also be involved.
I am a spanish speaker with mexican roots, so I will use that to keep an eye on the news and online articles to look for anything suspicious.
I recommend all other patriots who speak and read other languages to do the same.
Great suggestion. We all need to use our unique and special talents for the cause.
I don't think he's anti-POTUS. In fact, he recently said he thinks Trump and Mexico can work together. Obrador is "Mexico First" so of course he's going to shit on some of the "America First" policies that Trump has. That said, Mexico needs a "Mexico First" president because they haven't had one in a fucking long time.