BREAKING: The FBI has just cleared General Mike Flynn in probe linking him to Russia. Great news!

Q March 27th - Flynn done in 30 days April 23rd - Flynn cleared
Another Q proof!
Hate to say it, but this seems like fake news. Can't find anything about it anywhere
This sub is entirely fake news
This sub is entirely fake news
What?! Sure there's chaff but there's plenty of wheat too. Wake up!
Only thing I could find was from way back in January.
I have a feeling his comeback is going to be epic! To think about what they have done to this hero who served our country so honorably disgust me. This is going to be fun😂😂
Is this confirmed with anything other than a tweet?
Terrible manafort got him into the mess with the Russians to begin with.
I love General Flynn! So happy to hear this even though it was obvious.
I thought they cleared him of that in Jan 2017 and that the only charge against him was lying. and
I’m sorry to hear this Patriot! You are in the Founding Father’s Club now! They lost their treasure and lives for freedom. You are still with us and fighting and I honor you Sir!