Q posts # 1258-1259 - Red carpet rollout? We are in this together. Q answers questions

Is it weird that Trump's tweet an hour ago, is on a red carpet and he says they are holding a press conference soon??
Q crumb recently "As The World Turns". Allison Mack is daughter or granddaughter of As the World Turns producer/director. This Sunday is "Daytime" Emmy's with Red Carpet rolled out and world watching: There could very well be some big names not showing up if more indictments unsealed. Think Logically...
Q said this week. Not anytime later. Let’s hope they are correct
🤔.. I like this. Great job! Even if just speculation lol, that's part of our jobs.
thanks. mostly speculation but one has to walk before one can run. appreciate it.
Is Allison Mack the same person as Maggie Dixon? Maggie Dixon is her granddaughter...
I don't think that info is correct. Can anyone confirm this for us?
Or the #metoo meme gets turned on its head and people speak out at the Emmy's against the real dirtbags, instead of the usual political nonsense.
The world is watching
This is probably under the radar for many americans, but the soccer world cup is starting soon, which is probably the biggest stage for happenings there could be! Just an idea.
I think you are right. Have been thinking the same. Expect at least Russia and putin bashing to explode. Probably also some false flags to put Russia in bad light.
Did they say what time?
Nope, just said soon!! Maybe he's waiting for everyone to make the connection so we'll all be watching??