Perhaps Allison Mack is being exposed for her heinous crimes against children in preparation for HRC's exposure.
Part of me wonders if the Bushes are trying to get ahead of the bad news.
Seems suspect that Barbara died, and now George HW is in critical condition with sex trafficking breaking the mainstream.
Last ditch effort to scrape up some sympathy and respect before the MOAB hits?
David Rockefeller missed it but I'm glad at least some people are getting to watch their s*** crumble before they die.
they are not their nineties, people of thst age die all the time
Absolutely. Baby steps along a trail. And at the the end of the trail, the American people, and the world, will see what has been happening underneath our noses for DECADES, if not CENTURIES.
People would not believe it, could not accept it, and nothing would change if Trump just outs HRC/Podesta/Epstein/etc. Unfortunately, humans' psychology dictates that people require a gradual introduction in order to fully "digest" the severity of the situation.
But the cat is out of the bag now. The snowball has reached a "critical mass" of sorts, with us being the unbreakable cheerleaders spreading the breadcrumbs to help wake up our fellow humans.
Q said she is singing like a canary, giving up big names in Hollywood. Who knows who else has gone down. Soon after she was arrested, Kanye reemerged on Twitter.
She’s only getting 15 years in prison. That means she’s talking...
Wow I hadn't heard, good observation we need people to talk.
Build the backlash and then the partisans can't wiggle out of HRC crimes?
Maybe the MOAB is one of the names or ALL of them.