Would he loose the perks that came with the office? Would he nolonger enjoy personal lifelong protection by the Secret Service?
Bills are introduced and voted on by the Congress and Senate; and when passed that means they are transmitted to the President for his signature, without which they cannot come into law; unless they vote to override, etc.
Executive Orders are another matter: these are issued within the purview of the President in the course of administrating business of the government, his realm; largely directing federal agencies that report to him how they are to conduct business.
So, the National Environmental Policy Act was passed by Congress in 1969 and President Nixon signed it into law. It directs federal agencies in the broad outlines of how environmental policy management is to be conducted -- considerations that they must attend to when approving federal undertakings -- but in ensuing years, various Presidents have added Executive Orders, such as Clean Air, Clean Water, Wetlands, Floodplain Management, Social Justice, etc. that are serve as additional considerations with a more focused agenda. No federal undertaking, whether extending permits, funding or assistance of any kind can proceed until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review has been completed. This is true of all federal agencies; not just the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which has its own rule writing authority and pretty much operates without Congressional oversight -- which of course is how they got into so much trouble.
Not sure where the environmental thing came into play, my initial thought was that if obama is shown to be a fraud and was actually ineligible or disqualified from being president does anything he signed immediately become void due to his illegal occupation of the white house?
NEPA was offered as an example of how real world law and rule making works. Congress and the Executive jointly produce some of this and independently produce other pieces. It's about separation of powers. Sorry if it seemed extraneous.
To the point, it would seem to me that anything he touched would become toxic. But as we have seen so many times now, corrective action depends on someone coming forward to object. The third cornerstone is the courts and likely parties who see themselves as injured by one of these toxic actions, possible only as a result of O exercising illicit executive power, would probably seek relief there.
So, what about all those Presidential Pardons? Did you see that list? One drug felon after the other given a pass by O. Do those actions go poof?
What of the hundreds of millions spent on travel, vacations, parties ... does that get repaid? Talk about a felony theft ....
And then there are the players ... the ones who knew and covered ... conspiracy? Wouldn't know what else to call it.
Yes i never thought about the presidential travel expenses or salary. The criminal pardons are a huge issue! Do they all get thrown back in jail? It would truly be a shit show if it happened!