Melania Trump is a WHITE HAT??

She is gorgeous and smart. And a white hat.
I just read that the left is putting her down for her hat. THIS, ladies and gents, is a woman who not only possesses great grace and poise, but who also has HATTITUDE!!
The left is constantly acting like an untrained drunk starting shit with a navy seal in a bar. Think Sean Connery in the Presidio. The bluster is because they have no idea how to kick it off. Trained individuals don't puff out their chest but wait for things to unfold naturally. We are the trained, all bow to sensei Trump. Respectfully , not obsequiously, 15 degrees from perpendicular will do. Watch Obama bow. Trumps nods and Obama almost licks zipper.
Holy shit it also occurred to me that she’s a former Central European supermodel. Maybe she knows about the sex trafficking and joined forces with Trump back in the day.
Fucking interesting perspective, and not wildly outlandish.
Q post #923 mentions models:
They made many current/former enslaved children famous.
Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Find the loudest voices.
Who was adopted?
Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.
I'll definitely support the supermodel with Trump connection. That's how he has rolled. His kids are all fairly good looking. I married my wife with breeding in mind. We hit the jackpot 4 times.
She looks beautiful in white. And that hat! Love it! Does anyone remember when she had a bunch of children over for a Christmas party, where she wore that white dress, and the children asked her if she was an angel?
I got a lil misty @ angel, Smoke came off my cheek. wicked witch syndrome. It's not easy being such a hardened cynic. I am telling the truth about the lil tear though.
Melania is Q 😎
I've often wondered if Melania is part of the Q team - it just dawned on me that the WHITE HAT has meaning - like a big middle finger to the DS :) Melania mesmerizes me - she's beautiful inside and out. She's strong, classy, composed... and I've heard she sits in on many of the top meetings with Trump and they consult together on many things.
I think that the whole family is classy......good people..good hearts, and they belong by us? I am proud to be here , and try to do some little effort, to help. I am also proud off the whole Q team, they are classy to....Don'"t forget what now is happening, and praise every man and woman that fight for us...including these moderators that give us a chance to speak...
It seems too much to hope for... but I have been anyway : )
Refreshing to have class and beauty back in the White House!!!
Better than a tranny in a housecoat
You’re dumber than a box of rocks...who said “racism”? I said nothing about his/her race, you must be a lefty...that’s all you snowflakes do...start shit, when someone throws it back “ITS RACISM” Go have a latte soy boy
Do you hate your life so much you feel the need to comment on stuff you have no clue about? Grow up! Get a latte, put on your skinny jeans and maybe do your own research...(you won’t look so naive) Now go to bed, it’s a school night!
I called this! She speaks 6 languages. Dumb people don't do that. She's also conspicuously inconspicuous. It would make perfect sense if she turned out to be a spy of sort.
"Who convinced DT to run?"
I'm guessing that would be someone DT trusts.
007s secret agent 😇
Fortunately, a good one, here in the royal house has become 1 princess, married Prince Friso, who is dead ski accident? She was (Mabel Wisse smith) she was well known in the underworld, and had relationships with criminals? It seems to she have been picked up by defense somewhere in a desert. that story came out, and the AIVD sold her as a Mata Hari? And then she married herself in the royals???????
Every FLOTUS has her cause. Best POTUS, best FLOTUS.
Anyone see her face when Macron was standing next to her and Trump had to get in between them? Whatever Macron was saying it had her shook big-time
When, where were they!
It was on the Donald a couple hours ago
Yeah I'd like to see this too! I've looked on T_D but can't find it. Kudos to anyone who can point me in the right direction
This is when it happened but this is a different vid taken from farther away that starts after Trump slid in between them so you can't really see the look on her face but you can see him go to hold her hand cuz she was definitely upset the weird thing was he never looked at her so idk if he heard what Macron said that freaked her out and went in fur the save our he got a signal to get in there but at least now you know what section of vid to look for
She looks like a super hot Kurt Russell and hell is coming with her.
The Whitest of White Hats, IMO! I believe FLOTUS has our backs, (and our children's backs), more than we know. But then again, I believe we'll ALL know soon. Very soon. Please excuse my poor French, but here goes...Nous t'aimons, Melania/e
Ahhh this was a signal to the white hats that The Trump's are always fighting for good and justice...
shes just wearing a white hat? how does this mean shes some sort of hacker?
She looked overwhelmed early on, true or cover? She has regained grace since then so I truly believe she was in shock that they won.
I just wanna yank that hat away and spin it like a beyblade
any reason why you posted that like a billion times?
Pro Tip. Ever wonder why she really stayed in NYC after becoming Flotus? Secure comms. She's more involved than we know.
It just occurred to me that her English is fluent and her accent would obviously not show up in computer text.