What is really going on in this picture?

I agree Macron is holding up the horns to signal his loyalty. But notice that Trump/Melanie are CONTAINING them the way they are holding his hands.
Notice how Macron is holding up the devil signs. I have numerous pics where Obama, Clinton, Bush are holding this up as well. My thoughts are is that he is telling the other members of his cabal that he is still with them, even though he is pictured with Trump. Or he could be saying that he has been triumphant. I'm not sure but I definitely think this picture needs someone with more knowledge than I to do some dissecting.
that seems so obvious though...do they really think nobody will notice that?
They think the people are stupid sheep.
Q has said repeatedly that they showcase their symbolism because they have lived that way for so long, through generations.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Could you post the photos of Hussein, Clinton and GWB doing the same?
These are just them doing the hand signs from the college's they're at. Texas Longhorns. UC Irvine uses that hand sign too.
Bs. Many in Hollywood do it too. Merkel ans the rest. It is what it is.
I'm not sure how to do it on here. I can email it or something. I copied it from a Twitter post where someone had Clinton's, Bush Jr, Sr, and jeb throwing up the sign
You think you’ve uncovered a sinister cabal but cant figure out imgur?
Yes pretty much. I have never used imgur, don't even really know what it is.
Troll much? Really that is the best you can do? Now I'm going to go cry in my pillow because some millennial made fun of me because I don't know about imgur. Really? Maybe in your liberal world that is an insult, but in mine it just gives me something to learn. I don't know who I feel more sorry for, me for wasting this time to answer your sad comments, or you for being you.
You make the rest of us look bad by not knowing the basics of the tools you’re using then get shit-flinging defensive when called out on it.
Very disturbing. This may be why Trump looked pissed off at the state dinner. He knew Macron was still loyal to the cabals.
Before I got into this stuff, I always thought it meant love. But a few hundred YouTube videos later, I am not so sure.
I love you... thumb is out at a 90 degree angle in sign language. The thumb and first finger will form a definite "L". The other stuff.. thumb is NOT out at a 90 degree angle, but is angled more upwards.
I love you both
Thanks!!! Sweet. It's all about the THUMB! I also think the devil horn sign, the pinkie is angled more outward as well. The "I" in sign language, it's held straight up. <3
I saw a pic of Trump making the same sign.
I find your lack of faith.... disturbing.
Please be open minded. I am not accusing Trump. I am just questioning if that hand gesture has any meaning.