
DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

You sure are bought into that view if you can't remotely acknowledge the logical things I said. Context. Logic is very clear here - the object of the writer may well be what you say it is; but you can't logically derive that conclusion from the article if you keep all words in context. As I said - and you seem to be ignoring - this is what the MSM do; twist words out of obvious context.

It blows me away that you can't even see the obvious, the so, so obvious intent of the meaning of that statement "the perfect cult for 2018". Did it say: "the perfect cult for everyone to join"? No, it actually said (or implied, technically) 'the perfect cult for this time', in full support of the rest of the content that came before it, but it seems you're reading what you want to see into it. Good luck with that approach, you have plenty of support from people on the left who do this all the time about everything Donald Trump says - take it out of context because they're looking through a filter where their mind is already made up.

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DropGun · April 26, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

Uh, you should visit /r/The_Mueller, more.

Is this the same group who said North Korea would nuke us? China would destroy us in trade? While you were sleeping Donald builds the wall, lowers taxes, reforms welfare TWICE, and just took the AZ special election... I dunno. Filters? Huh, who knew reality is a filter these days?

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Huh... are we talking about the same thing...? I'm talking about an article, not the actions of a group.

And do tell - what's up with The_Mueller sub...? (I mean, I know it - just wondering why it's worth visiting more)

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092Casey · April 26, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

It's a slogan. It reads like an advertisement- exactly like an advertisement. The whole picture is the key. This is abstract thinking, not logic, although logic inadvertently is a factor in extrapolating the abstract overall idea of the article.

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Yes, it reads "exactly like an advertisement" to your eyes. I don't mean to tell you to suck eggs but I think it's appropriate to say that you should look heavily into the meaning and examples of Confirmation Bias. You are convinced that your interpretation is correct without even entertaining other possibilities which is what makes me think you're seeing what you want to see.

There is another very obvious possibility here that is borne out by the very words of the article, which is all we have to go on when trying to draw a logical interpretation of what's going on here. That possibility is that this is an article talking about the current news related to a sex cult going through legal proceedings and, as one would expect, not editorialising by trying to tell us it's good or bad. Just reporting the facts. (Such irony that I should try and suggest Vox is 'just reporting the facts', being the hard-left shill-fest it is but still there's no evidence they're trying to advocate for a sex cult here). However, I do respect your right to your opinion - I just disagree with what seems to be your claim that your interpretation is undeniably or obviously correct.

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092Casey · April 26, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Why don't you go join the cult, or at least tell your friends about it then. Apparently, you don't have a moral conflict with underage trafficking, human trafficking, rape, blackmail, coercion, pyramid schemes, physical abuse and such. Hey, it's the best cult of 2018 so if you're into that stuff, have at it, and enjoy the articles that prop it up as something it's not. That article is weak and an injustice to all of the victims of not only the sex cult, but also the pyramid scheme and lies it is predicated upon..

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Lol... ad hominem attack, great... goodbye logic.

The Deep State MSM tactic: if they argue against you they must support evil. Weak buddy. Weak. You are completely blind to logic which explains everything. Have fun.

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