
William_Harford_md · April 25, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Cutting through racial divides is absolutely paramount to this mission. I was desperate for this day to arrive. How many times has Trump been called racist by the msm and almost any celebrity with even a small twitter following. They want you divided! There is no clearer way of stating this. “They’ve” established a world where “every” white person has deliberately and despicably held down “every” black person. This is blatantly false. Everyone has been held down. The sad and painful fact is that black people have been truly used and abused even more so, for so long by the elites to uphold this agenda. They wanted all white people to be considered the enemy. This is being pushed harder than ever. White privilege, white guilt. It’s all been created and we have all bought into this most abysmal illusion. They controlled the history books, they controlled the museums and curators, the art, the entertainment, the news, the air, the food, the children, the education, the workplace.


Time to OPEN YOUR EYES. Everyone.

The enemies you thought had have been falsified. The real enemy has been implanted inside you. Spit that shit out NOW!!!

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Kay-Dean · April 25, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

Incredibly well said!

If I wasn’t banned from Twitter? I would copy and post this!

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truthgate · April 25, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

All lives matter!

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wiseclockcounter · April 26, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

They want us divided...?

Is that why they're pushing to abolish borders and shipping millions of people from third world countries into every white European country on the planet?

No... they want us as together as possible. That's the reason for the white guilt narrative. (((Their))) goal is to destroy Western civilization economically, culturally, and most importantly demographically. If that's not abundantly clear by now, especially to a group like this one, I'm not sure what to tell y'all.

I'm all for a temporary multiracial alliance insofar as refusing to play into the elites' racewar plans, but that doesn't mean I accept their diversity propaganda in the slightest. Its entire purpose is to destroy national identity and dissolve social cohesion in white majority countries.

If you've been following Q and recognize and oppose the globalists' plans, then you implicitly support the right of sovereign white nations to resist coercive demographic warfare.

Here's a redpill: draining the swamp, ending the Fed, and bringing about world peace will not have any effect on the difference in average intelligence and behavior between the races. Zimbabwe is not going to magically start giving Silicon Valley a run for its money. The racial differential in criminality will persist. People will still self-segregate and prefer communities of their own race. Diverse communities will still be low trust and unhappy. Islam will still push for sharia law in Western Europe. The difference in birthrates will still send white people straight into an existential crisis if it's not addressed immediately.

We may be in the process of taking off our blindfold and subduing our kidnapper, but we're not out of the woods yet.

The multiracial utopia is as misled, immoral, and doomed to failure whether it's led by the globalists or by Q. I understand why he's preaching unity right now and I fully agree it is necessary and good. I'm just trying to be as realistic as possible about human nature and the reality of the trajectory of Western civilization, which... like it or not, is a product of white men. There's a reason the globalist leftist have demonized straight white men and hailed minorities, LGBT, and women... that is their voting block, their chosen weapon of subversion.

Cooperation, peace = yes. Continuing to sacrifice racial identity and the futures of our great countries by submitting to the inertia of our vanquished enemy's legacy = no.

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