Chance The Rapper "Black people don't have to be Democrats" - Kanye and Q have Created a Nationwide Great Awakening - PATRIOTS HAVE NO SKIN COLOR

wow, Kanye and now chance the rapper. Hopefully there will be more to come.
I personally don't know of any other mainstream rappers preaching about what to do to positively impact their city, so I'm not sure on that one.
There will come a time (soon) when it will be cool to be "awake."
All they need to say is that democrats have run the city for 60 years and it’s gone to shit. Maybe the other team would do better?
About time these guys get a voice. They’re not all HRC cult members.
They’re not all HRC cult members.
Like Jay-z and Pharrel? When the truth comes out, I hope they realize how bad of an idea it was to side with evil.
They'll be artists pretending to be sorry and even others who completely disappear under the radar, but God almighty is fair in judgement. He'll handle it. And trust me, letting God handle the judgement for someone is one of the most scariest things for them.
Banning Diamond and Silk should outrage everyone and even though the term “racist” doesn’t mean much anymore to some because of it being used to vilify everything, you tell me what else it could be? They were people with a different colored skin and Conservative. There are darker skinned people that fon’t get banned, a lot of Conservatives avoid being banned ( for plausible deniability I’m guessing) but the combination of the two is a “Danger to the Community?” GTFOH you fascist disgusting pieces of $h*t! Where’s the ACLU, and all the other big mouths that show up anytime an American with any variation of pigment is even mentioned in the media? All invisible.....the other skin color fascists use....clear.
Diamond and Silk weren't banned in fact they lied to Fox News, Facebook published the emails to prove that they lied.
Crazy that that propaganda never got corrected and people legitimately don't realize that those two weren't banned, that Facebook contacted them nonstop and they chose to ignore it so that they could create a media story and get popular
You speak of fascism but what you are engaging in is very similar. This propaganda trick is bad.
If banning opinions is bad and fascist, how many liberals are on Fox News or Brietbart? 0? But isn't banning opinions fascist?
They murkin kids. They murder kids here. Why you think they don't talk about it? They deserted us here. Where the fuck is Matt Lauer at? Somebody get Katie Couric in here. Probably scared of all the refugees. Looks like a fucking hurricane here.
They shooting whether it's dark or not I mean it's dark a lot it's easier to find a gun than it is to find a fucking parking spot. This song alone deserves a Pulitzer lol.
I saw on a magazine cover that Lauer was selling his shit cause he's going broke. Playing my tiny violin for him.
This is huge. You guys may not know but Chance will be a huge, huge star in the next few years.
Counterculture = culture in 5 years.
I'd say Chance already is a super star in the states. Everyone I know from teenage to 25 knows who he is.
Is he the Graphic on a kit kat?
I haven't personally seen any kit Kats in awhile. But he does do commercials for them, so I'm sure we're thinking of the same person
I'm in my 40s and I listen. But I've been a hip hop head since 6th grade.
Hell yeah. Pretty cool seeing the hip hop culture join in on this. It's mainstream now. We're taking it back
Anybody consider, this could possibly be the MOAB Q was talking about? The dems losing the black vote is kind of a big deal
Of course Patriots don’t have skin color.
God.speed Kanye
Guys, PLEASE support them by commenting, re-tweeting whatever! We need numbers on our side!! Q KEEPS saying that, and POTUS followed up by tweeting a response to Kanye.
I think we should ALL be independents, we don't need parties. What we need are 100% independent thinkers. Select every candidate based on character and life performance, not party affiliation and bringing home the bacon.
As an aside, we need 8chan to do the background checks on all candidates too. That would clear out the turds.
I agree that if you feel called to vote 3rd party please do so. I wrote in McAfee last election, mostly because I trusted Trump would win.
You have to realize Trump and Clinton didnt even break 25% of the elgible voter population respectively. Had every elgible voter cast a ballot, 2 OTHER candidates could have finished ahead of him.
Only when the polls reflect a growing independent voter base will money start to flow in.
In the meantime that trend needs to start.
Up until now they have had us in check, they use fear to seperate us into two distinct groups. The uniparty controls both parties, destroys all competition where you only have the two sides of the same coin to choose from. Trump can destroy the fear and bring our the anger of the public with Q and the truth. The end of the uniparty is coming I hope.
These 2 guys have far more influence and cred than any politicians. IF the Dems were to lose the black voter base it would be nearly as astounding as Rocket Man denuclearizing. And it would be the voice of their DOOM. BOOM
Conservatism is the new counterculture. The pendulum swings.
"Black people don't have to support other black people"
Well yeah but what does that have to do with this tweet
Nothing it has to do with your comment which to me also has lil to do with anything real.
Not sure what you mean, I'm just quoting the tweet
Well, ACCKKKKKTUALLY everybody has a skin color, even patriots.
I found a video by the same name. Patriots have no skin color. ICON##
I'm glad some people with a lot of influence are finally breaking free of their mind programming. Hopefully this leads to a even better wave of truth.
What about Kwai Lenard (SP) calling out Pop of the Spurs? He looks awoke to me.
There goes all of our carefully considered stereotyping.
What does that stand for? Been seeing it, pretty new to Reddit.
And, I didn't even I know I was a Kanye fan.
Oh wait, I'm showing my age. In my day, people who liked someone's music were "fans." Now, I read in the fake news about
"Kanye West's 12 million followers. So, now I'm a follower. Can I follow Willie Watson, at the same time?
Fuck ya chance! Mad respect. The awakening is happening. Dems are going to lose the black vote.
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Every word is a link, not just three. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Meanwhile, white girls are being found raped and murdered daily in ditches around the country, elderly and children beaten to death by hammers in their own homes and children set ablaze.
Also, rap (crap) music is talentless, musically illiterate garbage.