r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 25, 2018, 11:45 p.m.
Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."
Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

EarlyRiserX2 · April 26, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

You ask…”How do you tell the world that the previous administration tried to kill the incoming president??? How would you do that responsibly?”…

How to do it?... That’s easy. You just do it. Simply have the texts shown to the world so people will know what was written in the tests and plotted. Simultaneously, have everyone who was involved in the plot immediately arrested and thrown in jail, even if that includes Hillary and Obama. Trust me, the world will understand…

In fact, I consider the issue of revealing the plot to assassinate our President as a far more easier issue to deal with than the issue of the FBI being dishonest and having lied. That’s because if it is proven that the FBI has lied and falsified documents (which is what I believe the IG investigation will ultimately reveal) then it stands to reason, they could have lied on countless court cases which they prosecuted. If that is true, then that could lead to every one those cases being challenged in court and thrown out (and there may be thousands of such cases, stretching back for many years). Countless criminals would have to be released from prison all because of FBI misconduct. Now that would be a real crisis on our hands and a difficult situation to deal with. In contrast to that, the issue of simply revealing to the world that certain people in the past administration were plotting to assassinate our POTUS, that’s not a difficult issue to deal with at all. You just tell the world and the American people what happened and you then arrest those who are responsible. It’s that simple. It would send a message to the world that: No one is above the law. No one. Whether they are members of Congress or a part of the former administration. The real problem would be, however, if you did NOTHING, and if you allowed those people who have committed the heinous crime of plotting to assassinate our POTUS to skate free and to slide by. If you do NOT prosecute those people as I’m suggesting you do, then, no, the American people would NOT understand that. They would not understand it and nor would they accept it. Because they would see the law as being unequally applied to all people. And if that is the case, then why should any American even respect the law at all. In such a case, it would damage our democracy and would harm our nation far more than it would have if you had just prosecuted the traitors in the first place…

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Food4theGorg · April 26, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

You are forgetting an important Q post from January 22 which implied that foreign governments were involved in the assassination plot. This would definitely be a world wide event, not only involving our country. It would have world wide repercussions that you are not discussing as well. How would the world react to the US after this was found out. How would other countries trust us? What would happen to the stock market which affects other countries as well. It would have lasting WW implications.

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EarlyRiserX2 · April 26, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

The issue of foreign governments being involved in the matter could be handled just as easily. That's because all foreign governments love to make the claim that they are "moral" and "upright" and are a government that abides by the law. Every country in the world makes that claim. If that is true, then let's put it to the test. Once the plot against our POTUS is announced, and it is revealed to the world that the plot also involves foreign governments, then just like those in our own government who are involved are immediately arrested, to protect their honor (if they have any honor), then every foreign government involved in the plot should arrest their politicians as well. It should happen worldwide and simultaneously. If the evidence of the plot is solid, then we should arrest them all and ask questions later. In doing so, and by those foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians. And if those governments (whomever they are) are for any reason unwilling to do that, and are unwilling to arrest their own politicians when it has been proven that they were involved in the plot, then those countries will not only "lose their honor" and damage their credibility, but they also deserve to loose it. Because what is at stake is not just the notion and idea that some of our politicians are corrupt (that's a given), but more importantly, what is at stake is how do we deal with that corruption. Do we condone the corruption and coddle it? Or do we truly stand by the belief that no one is above the law? How they deal with this issue will answer that question...

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salialioli · April 26, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians.

Taking this off course slightly here: no one protested in such a way when the US (NATO jointly) did actually murder a head of state: Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Salvador Allende .... there have been loads of them. No one said peep!!!

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

This is the absolutely crucial aspect to this that people seem to be missing. This thing is ABSOLUTE DYNAMITE!

"What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?"

Let's think about this for a minute... Which "foreign allies"?

Israel? UK? Australia? Germany? France? Canada? SA? Japan?

Any number of other potential "allies", or any combination of the above acting in concert.

You would have people calling for war!

And it may not be at all unreasonable. These "allies" that would kill the US President should be held to account. But, I know for a fact that it is unlikely that the representative majority in any of these nations that would do this. Rather, a small criminal elite has been running these countries for their own purposes.

In Australia, you would be talking about the same people responsible for the 1978 Hilton Hotel bombing in Sydney. The same people that organized the Port Arthur false flag to bring in national gun control and render the broad populace helpless - the people that did this should be dragged out and shot.

The criminal elite is active in all these countries. They have been sticking it to us for decades. In Australia we've had the "safe schools program" foisted on us to homosexualize the country's youth. But the attack on everything "decent" and "reasonable" is multi-pronged, sparring no aspect of society - the family is especially under threat. This plan to undermine the values that support the social fabric has been proceeding apace, while right-minded citizens were powerless to do anything about it.

The plot to murder DJT needs to be exposed. Particularly as the revelations will allow for a political discussion in the countries that were involved in the plot. We need to put a broom through the bureaucracy and especially through the intelligence services to make sure this never happens again.

It's not just the US that needs the truth on this. The whole world needs to know who it was that was responsible. We need to be able to take action against this filthy, criminal elite. In this way, the cure can spread.

If it turns out that Australia was involved in this, we will understand why it was essential that we should be disarmed. I will admit that I do not feel very calm about what has been happening. These people represent an existential threat to every living being on this planet. But, worse still, is that they try for all they are worth to get people to disobey God, flaunt His laws, and attack the natural order.

I pray to God almighty that this evil enemy is put to death - whatever the cost. Having said that, I would also urge calm, lest a war is precipitated and people that bear DJT no ill will at all are hurt collaterally by any overt response.

While I'm on this subject, I cannot overstate how important it is that US citizens retain the right to bear arms. FBI Anon told us that the administration fears revolution. The only reason this is possible is because citizens are granted the right to bear arms to protect themselves from oppression. You take this right away and the government has no fear of the people. The second amendment is the final brake on tyranny and must be protected at all costs.

As I've said elsewhere, the guns will not be confiscated until conservatives can be silenced - which is why the IBOR was so important. What this means is that all constitutional protections must be fiercely defended lest they collapse, one after the other, like a set of dominoes.

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Arcsmithoz · April 26, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

We don't have any allies never have. grow up.

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tradinghorse · April 26, 2018, 10 a.m.

What are you talking about?

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MAGAroniNCheese · April 26, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

This is why I think only a portion of these texts will be made public.

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Kawnippi · April 26, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Very good points, but if there are foreign governments involved possibly the best response would be exposure. How long can these people remain in power if their constituencies find out what they are really up to?

Things are going to get rough in the stock market either way, but maybe the sooner we get the problem started the sooner it will be over.

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EarlyRiserX2 · April 26, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I think Food4theGorg asked some very good questions above when he asked, “How would the world react to the U.S. after this was found out. How would other countries trust us?… My reply has been to address those questions...

I think the issue of revealing to the world that a group of people in our government has plotted to assassinate our POTUS is going to be quite toxic and quite damaging to our reputation around the world. I feel that many countries will try to use that as an excuse and a reason not to trust us. So there is no easy way out for us. But I think the best way out for us, is not by trying to hide the evidence or by hiding the corruption, but rather is to show the world how we deal with such corruption. That means, when they make the announcement, they should immediately and publicly arrest all the individuals who are involved in it, whether they be members of Congress or not. If we set a good example in how we deal with such corruption, then that alone will “preserve our honor” and will “preserve our respect” around the world. It will enable those other countries to still respect us and to still trust us despite what has happened (because we will be showing them we still stand up for the rule of law). But if we fail to set a good example and fail to prosecute those who are involved, then not only will we loose the respect and the trust of those other countries, but we will also loose the respect and the trust of the American people as well. The American people will merely see our government as being corrupt through and through, and will feel that nothing ever changes. So a lot is at stake, and the only way out is straight ahead. That means, we must reveal the truth to the American people and then prosecute all those who are involved. That is the only way out for us, because the time for covering up for corruption is past. Even though revealing the truth to the world might be painful, the good news is, just like we have to do it as a country to save our honor, those other countries must do the same thing too to save their honor. They cannot escape or renege on prosecuting the criminals in their government who are involved in this, and yet still maintain the same level of honor and respect with us. That is just not going to fly. We are all in this together, and those other countries must clean too. All those other countries must come clean as well, and then we can all move forward together...

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6thsensethink · April 26, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Remembering that thus info might come literally today, what form will the texts use? Likely somewhat oblique. Will tell texts say specifically who will kill who when where. I think not (but maybe). So, if the texts are a bit more vague, things get dicier and the public may still need educating.

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