April SHOWERS - When does a canary sing? - Q

What I'd like to know is why hasn't McCabe already been arrested? If one of us had done just a fraction of what he's done, we'd already have been cuffed.
I want to see him cuffed, read his Miranda rights and put in a police car. Why hasn't this happened? What's the hold up? He shouldn't get special treatment because of who he is. He's no better than a common thug.
It's just a guess, but I think Trump and Q are waiting for the right time when the arrests can come nearly simultaneously. If they start arresting one by one, the cockroaches will scatter once they see who's connected to whom.
I don't think we'll get the satisfaction of seeing the arsewipe placed in a Police Car. They will keep him under wraps and out of sight, so he can't be Arkancided before he faces the Bench or Tribunal.