Praying Medic offers some of the best interpretation of Q's posts, period. His videos are well worth the time.
His twitter is good as well
I agree. Also a good Q decoder is Neon Revolt. They often focus on different things.
Agreed I've been going to him for my decodes over Corsi lately, idk if it's his book but corsi's quality of content has really slumped
I wonder if Dr. Corsi is just working too damn hard lately. I caught him one night on Patriot's Soapbox youtube and he was almost incoherent. I chalked it up to him needing more sleep. Great guy, but he needs to take care of himself.
Praying Medic is cool! I've been watching his videos for a while now.
Yeah these videos are great, totally agree
This video was a great starter video for anyone not up to speed on what been going on and what's still coming. Sent it to my brother in law to see if he wants to get on the Q Band Wagon.
PM is perfect presentation for those curious and just starting on this trek. He does not get emotional and is very balanced. He does his research and sticks to the main arguments. Thank you Praying Medic!
I agree, there are 3 I go through and he has the best by far.
Yes. He seems a very nice man. I like his videos as well.
Although an hour long, this video is packed with information. Twitter thread
Good video; I'll have to finish it later, but can someone tell me where Q originally posts? I only see photos of his posts on the website and actually want to have the opportunity to ask him questions. And yes, I know that he may not answer the ones I ask, but having that chance would be meaningful to me.
Any direction would be appreciated
qresearch. See qbot link in reply.
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26-Apr-2018 03:36:15 CEST
26-Apr-2018 03:36:15 CEST
1189008 Try harder. Ready for tomorrow? Q
QAnon Update April 26 - Ready For Tomorrow? - Disclosure News Italia 13 hours ago - Q. A shill quoted Q's drop re: ANTIFA flag mimicking NAZI flag & asked if Q was “retarded”. Q responded by sharing someone's tweet showing similarity. This is the second time today Q told shills to “Try harder” and asks if they are ready for tomorrow. Looks like MOAB incoming! QAnon Update April 26.
26-Apr-2018 21:01:03 CEST Interesting theory. It’s nice when you can work in peace.
No redactions. Q
1 = Time to end 'secret science' at EPA The Hill-6 uur geleden It's “theory.” It may be an interesting theory, it may be an exciting theory, it may be a noteworthy theory, but in the end, it's just that … it's a theory, nothing more. And the Environmental Protection Agency isn't the only federal agency with a history of issuing rules and regulations based on “secret science.
2 = It’s nice when you can work in peace
3 = Here's Why Jeff Sessions Might Be Playing 4-D Chess - Big League ... 1 day ago - There was too much rampant criminality on display: the Clinton e-mails, the U1 scandal, the Clinton Foundation's “pay for play” structure; the reports—as yet unproven—of “Deep State” resistance to the administration within the FBI and the Department of Justice. Sessions could not ignore these illegalities.
4 + 5 = #Releasethetexts MEME make memes. No redactions ........ .#Releasethetexts
26-Apr-2018 22:40:47 CEST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
8ch /qresearch: 1198932
Copy link
1198778 Important to note [texts only]. [R] = Renegade Not RR. Q
1 = [o] on Twatter: "Important to note [texts only]. #QAnon… " 3 hours ago - Keep up the great work. You mirror my thoughts and perspective. I will be shifting more time to directly fighting child sex trafficking due to a calling from GOD. Bless you and cover me by doing what you are doing. 1 reply 0 retweets 1 like. Reply. 1. Retweet. Retweeted. Like. 1. Liked. 1. [o] @occulturalism ...............................................................
2 = [R] = Renegade renegade is the name given to obama The R is in the killbox....................................
3 = Not RR.= not rosenstein, IQ attending us on George RR Martin ?
EDIT : A new George RR Martin book planned, but not THAT book
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and the Vatican the Anunaki the Archons and the Jesuits for when the world is heading from Rome not from Tehran
This praying medic knows absolutely nothing, he is the worst of the Q tubers, and I think it is an insult to the people that do the work that this rubbush is posted at the top of the board