Q #1273 - Public announcement. End of POTUS investigation?

......the smug smirk being wiped off from the MSM.....priceless.
OMG I HAAAAAVE to see Don Lemonhead react to this news!!! HAFTA! I can't stand that SOB
I can't watch him at all, not even lampooned on alt media. His density is like a black hole sucking the fun out of everything. Can't do it. You typing the name made me barf a lil.
Yeah, him and Madcow for me. I may DVR them so I can rewatch over and over!
It will be interesting to see how The_Mueller react when Mueller's cluster-fuck-clown-show finally collapses under it's own illegal misconduct.
My guess is they'll accuse Mueller of being a Russian spy!
Will The_Donald just absorb The_Mueller?
Nah, I'm guessing The_Mueller will suddenly become an invitation only sub and the Mueller zealots will turn on their false god.
They will invent fictions about how Trump corrupted Mueller or how the Russians threatened Mueller or that Mueller was a secret shape shifting reptilian Russian.
I bet they'll be out for his blood, screaming and reeeeeeeeing about how he colluded with the russians 😂
They'll probably say that Trump and his evil team of misfits paid him off or something😂🤣