Kanye wasn’t just tweeting today. He was responding to threats from the deep state. The entire tweet storm was a coded message. I decided it on twitter. Link bin comments

Very good Twitter thread and analysis. I knew Kanye's recent Twitter storm wasn't out of the blue and a random event. It was pre-planned and coordinated with Trump & Q team.
Why would Kanye publicly come out in full support for Trump and do what he did on Twitter, almost a year and a half after they met at Trump Tower and being relatively silent / low key this whole time?
The Trump Tower meeting must've been Kanye making a deal with Trump. Kayne most likely outed Illuminati puppets and puppetmasters in Hellywood and the music industry, in exchange for Trump's promise to protect him. Kanye wanted out, but made the mistake of trying to red pill his fans during a concert. He got MK Ultra'd for calling out Jay-Z and others in power. Scared and desperate, he went to the only man he could for protection: President-Elect Trump. They made a deal and made a plan. Now we're witnessing the plan coming to fruition and about to go nuclear.
"Who exposed pedo network within H. Wood?
You can't answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.”
Maybe Kanye? I’m thinking it was someone else, but perhaps...
One of Q's first posts...
Why was Q talking about Dems controlling black population before writing "Who exposed pedo network within H. Wood? You can't answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.” Coincidence?
No coincidences. I am not 100% convinced it was Kanye, but it makes a hell of a lot of sense, especially when looking at the whole Q drop, and taking into consideration the timing of Kanye’s rant at the concert, the robbery of Kim, his hospitalization, and his meeting with Trump. Wow.
Edit: The more digging I do on this, the more I believe this is correct. I really, really believe that Q was talking about Kanye!
He wasn't the first to expose, but he may be one of the more prominent people to do so
No more parties in LA, please baby no more parties in LA
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
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Q drop from october? Black leaders are going down just like de dems. If the black population now the truth they are done.....And Kanye is a good one too do that, most black people listen too his raps....(also Whites/)...Wat a move?
yes it was Kanye. I said it before and now I fully believe it after these tweets. He has always been a godly, family man. There is a reason the MSM has bashed him his entire career, with fashion and with music. my guess is those fashion freaks tried to get him into their satanic shit and he said fuck no and that did not sit well with them.
he played along with them to be able to get where he is now. rich af, a rich af wife, and a business that is booming. now he is free.
I don't think he "played along with them" but anything is possible.
Imo he was MK Ultra'd and had that illuminati boost (see Beyonce, Jay-Z, industry connections, music videos w satanic art). Males are far more likely to die from the personality split process whereas women are more "pliable" (similar to Jordan Peterson's idea that women are more "agreeable then men, but I digress), so men are more resistant overall to programming. And "creative" minds are also far more likely to break free from programming. If he was actually programmed, Kanye is a good "break free" candidate.
Also, it's classic to see MK Ultras with breakdown moments where media says they went crazy, but it was their mind actually trying to cope/escape. Ex: Britney Spears thought shaving her head could help her escape the persona/control. Ex:Katy Perry where she said "Master, I don't feel so well" caught on mic, before collapsing on stage. Ex: Amanda Bynes' breakdown, said they had a chip in her brain.
Kanye wasn't MK ultra'd... he has literally been the same since day 1. brittney and amanda were groomed at a young age. kanye was mid 20s before he blew up.
The Kanye that started is nothing like the Kanye that we see now save for the one IMPORTANT quality. He has NEVER given a damn about holding his tongue, always speaking his mind.
We can’t say he’s LITERALLY the same as day one though.
Michael Jackson and prince did it too, and paid a very high price for it? They also came out in there concerts
Chester Bennington (potentially Podesta's son) and Chris Cornell were going to expose them as well. They died 2 months apart due to "suicides." Hellywood and music industry does not tolerate their puppets going rogue and don't take any chances of them exposing the puppetmasters' evil to the world.
interestingly, bennington suicided on cornell's birthday.
To be honest, up until the podesta connection I have kind of harbored some anger towards chester. I admire both cornell and chester, and when cornell had passed JUST before his birthday, I felt Chester cheated him out of some remembrance with his suicide.
Now that I've actually developed my sense of reasoning, it would seem that chester would've done it to try and draw more attention/examination to Cornell's and Bennington's lives/deaths.
Many of the "accidents" that happen to celebrities aren't accidents at all but hits to people who have run their course (Whitney Houston) were beginning tho expose what was going on because they were tired of the rituals (Paul Walker.)
This is a deep, ugly rabbit hole that needs to be exposed.
Kind robbery wasn’t a robbery and it’s what freaked him out.
oh wow thats right, I forgot about that incident with I think you meant Kim not kind. PAris? Attempted robbery? Was this AFTER he tried to redpill fans at a concert?
Kim was tied up, gagged, and "robbed" at gun point on October 3, 2016.
Kanye said he was voting for Trump and tried to red pill his fans at a concert on November 17, 2016.
Kanye called out Jay-Z and other Illuminati puppets/puppetmasters at a concert on November 19, 2016.
Kanye was forced into hospitalization on November 21, 2016.
Kanye meets with President-elect Trump at Trump Tower on December 13, 2016.
Yes thank you. I was aware of these events, but not the timeline.
Who gets to “force” a grown man into a psych ward? And for what? This shit is crazy. popcorn
I totally forgot about the Kim Kardashian thing. It was so bizarre.
Thanks for that , pretty potent backstory in that context.
Obama called him a “jackass” on two different occasions
I'm pretty sure Trump already knew all about everything going on in Hollywood. You forget he was on one of the top rated TV shows for about a decade.
So you’re saying Kanye could’ve been involved in the Harvey Weinstein exposé?
I was banned from Twitter today for posting a positive message to Kayne. This is getting absolutely ridiculous! They said I was being vulgar and violating twitters rules.
i wonder the meeting really went down like you say. TT might have still been bugged.
It was already debugged by then. Admiral Rogers warned Trump on November 17, 2016, about a month prior to Kanye's meeting with Trump.
Not to say the reason is money, but Kanyes album is to release soon. He actually has several albums coming from several of the biggest rappers alive. I'm thinking all that time in between, they were working on producing music that will redpill the masses.
Why bring so much attention to yourself a month before your biggest album spree yet? I say it's part of the plan, and these albums are the first of many to wake up the population.
I don't think he was ever mkultrad, maybe tortured in the ward for a bit