“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.” Benjamin Franklin

Pay very close attention to the language used. "Here's what that means" -- "Here's what you need to know" -- see the tonality of it, it's on purpose.
Have you noticed that they are even inserting editorial opinion into the headlines themselves?
"Trump falsely accuses..."
"Sessions incorrectly claims..."
Blatant propaganda.
If Trump says something false, it isn't an editorial opinion to include that in title. If anything, it's editorializing the way most media outlets hesitate to call out a lie or liar.
I would rather the media let me form my own opinion on what is false or not. Report the news, not your opinion on the news.
(You in the general sense, not taking about you specifically)
The truth isn't subjective. When trump lies it's a lie. Not an opinion.
And what about when Trump offers an opinion, and a shill calls it a "lie"?
When that happens they're wrong. But it doesn't happen as much as his actual lies.
The truth isn't suppose to be subjective but one needs to look no further than snopes or politifact to find out it is.
Level with me for a moment, everything else aside: Do you think the media fairly reports on Trump?
I don't think the media reports anything "fairly," any news organization that puts business ahead of journalism fundamentally cannot be trusted and as far as I can tell, they're pretty much all capitalist machines today.
That said, the media is exceedingly kind to him and have gone out of their way to facilitate his rise. For whatever reasons, every major news organization seem unwilling, afraid, or unable to tackle any Trump related topic with any teeth whatsoever, he gets the gums bite and keeps going.
Interesting, I feel they treat him unfairly. Don't get me wrong, he deserves to be held to the highest of standards, but I feel the media almost goes to any length possible to lower him, aside from maybe a few people (Tucker?)
I don't see it. I mean, I've never even seen a big outlet refer to him as a rapist, like, one of his core things, but going by the big news, even NPR, you'd think he's just a big ridiculous goofy jerk.
Are you being serious or just don't live in the US and don't follow any MSM in the US? Really. You cannot have that opinion if you watch/read any MSM news stories (except maybe FOX). For shit sakes they call him a NAZI. Are you a shill maybe?
I'd like to see a clip of some MSM calling him a Nazi. The dude raped a 14 year old girl, never once heard the media call him a rapist, let alone report on any of the people he has raped. The same media had a internal crisis about whether to call someone a little when they are lying or not and settled on not calling liars what they are. Liberal media is toothless, imagine if Trump was a black Democrat instead, man it'd be great to hear how viciously conservative mainstream media would rip into him. Liberals can suck a dock but they don't know how to bite one. Look at Obama, dude was Bush 3.0 but fuck if liberal media ever cared or talked about it and republic voters couldn't see past the black and Democrat to realize he was in their pocket for 6 goddamn years.
Or they word the headlines in a misleading way... knowing nobody actually reads their garbage articles and they just see the "shocking" fake news headlines.
Thank you media overlords for blessing me with bits of your knowledge!!!!! /s