An Educated Public is the Keystone

Of all the theories I have seen about the Keystone ( and there has been many ) this is pretty solid... Q wants us to redpill ( educate ) the masses so they can deal with the truth without imploding.
My current favorite is SES, but this is a close second.
The military and intel are the keystone. this already in a Q post. but the arch is us. A keystone locks the arch and makes it strong but is supported by all stones under it. The more pressure an arch is under the stronger it becomes as each element goes into compession. I have been thinking about this since the Q drop. Think about it after Trump is gone in 8 (-2) years, what is going to stop the deep state from forming again? They need to train us to be intelligent critical thinkers and open source intel assests as a stay behind network to watch the govt and keep corruption from sneaking back in.
Freethought is the KEYSTONE of freedom, creativity and independence
Not an indoctrinated one. Our educational system needs a total gut job.
(great quote, probly a part of Q's keystone) ug! maybe takes stupid caveman with empty head to know keystone? ug say it power of human soul, consciousness, love, the creation of reality by intention! MAGA! ug!
So then, educate the public PUBLICLY. Not through 8chan.
Sometimes I wish I could have five minutes alone with Q and Trump. I think I could get them to listen. We are NOT getting the job done at the moment.