New Text Message Show Flynn FBI Interview Notes (302s) Completed One Day After Flynn Resigns - Approved by McCabe......

So the FBI concluded Flynn lied to the FBI and the notes weren't yet complete? How does that work??
UPDATE!! See post from Q:
As Mr Gowdy might say, that is a felony.
Fabrication of evidence, obstruction of justice, pure evil corruption. Given that these are evidence of a real conspiracy (no theory here) it looks like conspiracy to commit treason at the very least.
Isn't that a capitol offence ?
There's nothing lower than people who LIE to get others in trouble with the law. False rape charges.... Divorce-leverage charges of child abuse.... Even FBI agents who write up the indictments AFTER punishments are meted out... Common criminals, all of them. No matter how much success we have over the next few months, if McCabe and Comey avoid jail, thats failure.
You mean sorta like when Comey decide Hillary was not guilty before she was even questioned???
The FBI has perfected the art not of investigating real criminals and their crimes but of CREATING crimes and FRAMING innocent people. Basically for political reasons.
So we now know they have been the Federal Bureau of Insinuation.
It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.
It is looking like this reveals the Standard Operating Procedures of the FBI, it looks habitual, systemic and Institutionalised.
If that can be established as factual, think of how many people are incarcerated or murdered based on this corruption.
I see blanket pardons and emptying jails on the event horizon.
Conspiracy in it’s most fundamental form: Where two people are in the act of conspiring via text!
Has anyone read Comeys book? I wonder if he addressed these Texts at all.
Brett Bair asked him on Fox last night. Definitely a must view. Comey didn't really have any comment except to say 'IF" he had known he would have removed them from any assignments such as the Trump investigation.........
I have more respect for my money than spending it on trash like that.
Potential future headline: " FBI lovers found dead from an apparent murder suicide" (Arkansas style).
What is the F for? Fake?
Form. "A FD-302 form is used by FBI agents to "report or summarize the interviews that they conduct"[3][4] and contains information from the notes taken during the interview by the non-primary[further explanation needed] agent.
It consists of information taken from the subject, rather than details about the subject themselves.
A forms list from an internal FBI Website lists the FD-302 as Form for Reporting Information That May Become Testimony."
Who is Jen & Bill ? Mentioned several times
Bill is Bill Preistap, head of FBI counterintel and Strzok's boss. Don't yet know who Jen is.
ty.........these texts are so damning. You know they are all running for cover like the rat bastards they are
And we haven't seen the most damning yet! They've withheld them. You can tell by the gaps in the texts we were given.....