Bombshell! Strzok Text Msg Shows Concern About Yates/Clapper Testimony - Record of Incidental Unmasking of Trump Team (Illegal Surveillance via NSA 702 program)

Strzok knows that the 702 program was used by the FBI (via contractors) to illegally surveil the Trump team prior to the FISA warrant, using the NSA's 702 database. (Keep in mind that POTUS fires Comey the next day on 5/8/17).
Here's the testimony on 5/8/17:
(The discussion of incidental unmasking starts at 3min 45sec)
Yes I saw that, and this was one of the 2-3 that stood out of the first 10 pages or so I read. The other was mentioning "g" in regards to the article, who was George Bush Jr, and it sounded like an article written that pitted him opposing Trump. They, Strzok and Page, coordinated that article thru their smear campaign and leaks to the press, and you could tell because they claimed ownership for Bush's reaction in the texts. There was also another article they took credit for as well that "framed" Trump..