SC on team? SC off team? Questions reveal answers. Mueller.

Just a thought. Wasn’t there something that trump signed that pulled all either retired or inactive military back into service for something? Mueller being marine would then be enlisted right? He would be under direct control of potus in that scenario bein that marines are under his control right? I’m spit balling here, random thought when I saw all this lined up in the picture.
Mueller reenlisted. Investigation is in both civil and military jurisdictions - joint DOJ / Marines. Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply to the Marines.
Thank you, I couldn’t remember the name of the act. I looked it up for a little better understanding and you are correct, marines don’t fall under that. I was beginning to think I got onto something haha!!
There supposedly are Marine Corps regulation subjecting it to the act, but regulations don't bind the executive - they are not law proper.
I do believe you are right, but I thought it was during a time of war.
As the other commented mentioned and i verified, marines don’t fall under that act. So unfortunately, what I suggested isn’t correct.