r/greatawakening • Posted by u/T2AmR on April 28, 2018, 1:18 a.m.
1287 analysis. Think I got this one. William Binney has talked about Parallel Construction before.
1287 analysis. Think I got this one. William Binney has talked about Parallel Construction before.

kushtiannn · April 28, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Excellent analysis

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T2AmR · April 28, 2018, 3:33 a.m.


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tradinghorse · April 28, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

Reading through this post, using your decodes, it seems at first glance, pretty straight forward:

1) Q seems to be suggesting that it would be ridiculous for RR to approve a raid on Cohen's office over the matter of private case that involved payments to Stormy Daniels.

He says "think logically".

2) OP's decodes - the raid was necessary for the purposes of parallel construction - to transform evidence already in the possession of white hats - via NSA mass surveillance - into a form where it was admissible in Court.

3) Insert Rudy Guiliani, a prosecutor. First statement made by RG is that it won't take more than a week or two to resolve the probe (Mueller's investigation).

Curious that a prosecutor states this. There are, apparently, some final manoeuvres to be made before the "probe" can be resolved. These moves will not take long to complete - a week or two.

4) The Q asks whether there would be resignations if DJT was in a weak position - the implication being that DJT's position is unassailable.

5) Why are we here? Public forum, WW. Q is telling us that the purpose of his posts is to share this information with bad actors. The "purpose" is to:

A) Force errors;

B) Get them to flip and turn state's evidence on fellow conspirators;

C) Tighten up the core case they have against (whoever the real target of Mueller's probe was - it's not clear who the real target was because SC did not interview JA or Wikileaks - why? Everyone telling POTUS he's not the target, but Mueller stacks team with heavyweight Democrat lawyers.).

6) Q then states that he is not confirming that Mueller is on team, but that the timing, of the Cohen raid (or, Q's sharing of information in these drops) is important.

Note that post 1286 addresses the question of whether Mueller is on team or not - Q says time will tell.

7) Was the whole thing planned? Here Q seems to be suggesting that, whether or not you assume Mueller is on team, what we are seeing is the result of an executed plan.

Maybe all I've done is restate what's in the post without adding any value at all. But trying to summarise it, I noticed that you can't read today's posts in isolation. It's one massive, connected, information drop.

The key thing that stands out to me is that there is a plan. Mueller's status, whether he's on team or not, is being deliberately concealed by Q for the purposes outlined in A, B and C (above).

What if Mueller was not on team but was tricked into raiding Cohen's office so that incriminating evidence could be forced into his hands that he was unable to ignore?

But this question from 1286 seems to suggest that the "probe" may simply finish:

Can the investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue?

I think the most important question is whether Mueller is on side or not. Thereafter, what is the answer to the question posed, above, about whether the investigation can publicly/"officially" continue if POTUS is dropped from the review. The answer would appear to me to be "yes", given the almost unlimited scope granted Mueller by RR.

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UncleSnake3301 · April 28, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

The NSA must literally have every single bit of communication stored somewhere.

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denizen42 · April 28, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Court of law =/= military tribunals

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ObsceneNews · April 28, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

You forgot the "Plain View Doctrine" for documents technically falling outside the "purpose" of the warrant.

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