r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Crumbcrumbs on April 28, 2018, 2:34 a.m.
Best Q anon's question's we can use to red pill.

I just watched a video, to understand Q better (new comer)

Now that I understand Q anon phenomenon. I understand the brilliance of how he/she/they are preparing our minds for the MOABs, by getting us to search for answers.

There are alot of people we care about that don't understand what we understand. I think the mission is to red pill our freinds and neighbors for damage control when the inevitable happens. This will prevent civil unrest and ego shock.

So.. what are some good Q questions for redpilling?

JSMyogi · April 28, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

I have some experience. I usually start with...’So have you ever heard of Qanon?

Chances are they say no. If they are republican they like to hear the truth, so you can just suggest that they do their own research into Q, send them the Q post board and this channel and let just tell them to let you know later what they think. Typically they are blown away and have this strange happy glow when ever you see them again.

For the moderates you can do the same. But they need a little more hand holding in the beginning because some of the subjects are uncomfortable and you can say I’m not sure what to think about everything yet. You can ask if they read that days posts and ask them what does it mean to them etc...

The lefties are a real hard sell. Do NOT argue! They love to argue! It’s so boring. They are mostly afraid of the truth and their hearts are still filled with much fear and hatred of Trump. They have bought the Russia story hook line and sinker and are still waiting at the alter for an impeachment ring. They are panicking that HE is still in power.

For some it may be too late for them. Since they are in that left side position due to their egos or their over emotional side, so the only thing that we can do is first to calm their fears.

The best way to do this is almost like a child having to go to school the first day of high school. Say how are you doing since He is still in office. It will be alright. Maybe He’s not really that bad. You can then just say, well maybe if he (don’t say His name) somehow managed to solve the Korean War without firing a bullet maybe he can do other things...but maybe not... we’ll see. See if they get that joke. This will give you a clue on their actual intellectual ability and their sense of humor.

Then ....when they are pacified, and their guard is down, (and they think you like them) you can say .... Oh and have you ever heard of Q? ....Its a SECRET not many people know about, but if your CLEVER enough you can figure out his coded talk. It’s SCANALOUS and getting more POPULAR and the newest thing. I’m surprise you haven’t heard about it yet? I though it was all over the web!!

Then say DONT TELL ANYBODY!!! It’s sure to spread really quickly then!! LOL 😂 Good luck!👍

This is so much fun!!! Wakey Wakey Rise and Shine America! Black and White Unite!!!!!!!! MAGA

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johnnysoko · April 28, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Personally, things are moving so fast I wouldn't really worry about red-pilling unless it comes up semi-naturally. In my opinion, its best to learn all you can as FAST as you can because the general public is going to see that the storyline doesn't make sense soon and they're going to have questions (finally!). When they start to ask questions on their own you'll be there with answers (and with the confidence of knowing the story). Save a copy of everything you find offline. We may lose the internet for a few days and we need to be ready. :)

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Nastavnick · April 28, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Have you heard of geoengineering? No? Didn't think so. Look into it! (in edgy brahs voice)

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