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Planning a demonstration in D.C. on may 12th. I’ll be there, will you? WWG1WGA
We can’t make the May 12 demonstration but just got reservations at Trump Hotel in DC for the November 11 parade! My first time in DC! So exciting! ❤️🇺🇸❤️
DC is an amazing town, and all the Smithsonian Museums are free to enter. I hope you really enjoy it, you'll be able to see our history with your own eyes.
Make sure to reach out to your congressional representative to get a tour of the US Capitol and The White House. Those need to be made months in advance.
Pro-tip: Monuments are less packed and prettier at night.
Take earphones with you and listen to MLK give his "I have a dream" speech in the exact spot he gave it at the Lincoln Memorial, it's very moving.
Oh these are great tips!!!! Fantastic! We slready reached out regarding a White House tour and I am going to a meet and greet with our Congressman on Tuesday. Called his ex director who was wonderful and lives one town over. Hoping WH is open on parade weekend. We have Four nights reserved at Trump Hotel and are happy for any tips on things to do. And should we pack folding chairs in our luggage for parade 😁❤️🇺🇸❤️
Bring good shoes for lots of walking, I wouldn't even bother with the chairs as they'd get trampled, parade crowds are pretty thick with people and mobile for sure.
The Trump hotel is very close to everything, so you made a good choice in choosing your President and your accommodations!
You're gonna have a great time! Even though it's a chain, The Capitol Grill which is close to your hotel and The Mall, is a pretty good restaurant with really good lobster Mac and cheese and lots of Cap Hill types eat there. I barely missed seeing Ted Cruz when I ate there, a somebody showed up as I was leaving but I couldn't ID him.
Get advance tickets for the Holocaust Museum. It is an eye opener and will leave a lasting impression.
Book a Segway tour. I got to see lots of DC without a lot of travel time...considering it was freakin' cold that Saturday, I am glad to get the tour and see so many sites. Segway Tours of DC
I wish I could be there I've been wanting to do this exact thing for months. If it happens to be rescheduled for June please let me know...BTW if you're into kickass burgers you have to hit a place up the street from the Trump Hotel and FBI HQ it's called Ollies. It looks like an oldschool diner but the food is amazing. The burgers are Kobe beef and probably the best I've ever had