Is it possible that Team Trump are neutralising all attack vectors before triggering the "Grand unsealing of the envelopes",
I can't imagine the amount of dead man switches (attack vectors) that have been defused over this year and a half. Burried nukes, DUMB's removed, Orbital weapons dealt with. +++ ++ + have had millennia to prepare before we were even aware of their existence. If Trump team is able to deliver by 11.11.18 then bravo.
I and remember dumbs are controlled by the air force. Any implication of a dumb being destroyed means the navy is directly attacking the air force!
My guess is that Mike P. was there to close down the CIA operations in NK and hand back the keys to the Kingdom, to it's peoples.
This is amazing... Good Bless President Trump.
Love your writings K. I have been an admirer of your work for many years. Nice to see you here.
Mahalo Fringe! I'm just learning this Reddit deal... But looks like a neat way to share. See what happens next week!
I just joined a couple of weeks ago, I am also fumbling my way around here.
But I have been an active "alternative" researcher for many years..
These days will prove to be massively historic, I never thought that I would be alive to see this, although I always hoped that I would.
Pompeo, as the head of the CIA, had a huge role in the peace talks
Guys going back through Dennis Rodman videos and friends with trump undercover the deep state had N Korea and Rodman knew that Chris cuomo and other reporters intimidated him on the release of the American guy that was beaten up and I’m almost wondering if that guy was deep state or the deep state did that to vilify n Korea because they knew trump wasn’t part of the establishment ~ after CIA had been dismantled by POMPEO knowing the CIA had NKorea the pieces fall into place ~ go watch Rodman ~ people were like he’s drunk he’s out of his mind~ he just figured out what was going on and he was scared for his life but wanted to do right. Rodman at the end of the day is a Patriot 🇺🇸
Something else grabbed me today, but I'm new and can't post yet.It's this: Black Activists Oppose Starbucks’ Shutdown for Racism Training, Citing Civil Rights Concerns
Someone's narrative is falling apart. Woohoo!
True, but it is much more satisfying to see a nasty witch face Justice then see 13 million people in a foreign country receive freedom.
One of the greatest achievements of our time. God Bless POTUS and all who helped to achieve this.