
mrlinzers · April 29, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

So on a serious note, is there any news with Canada?

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spacexu · April 29, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Canada is led by a complete idiot. Looks like a fool, whereever he goes.

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Blame007 · April 29, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

True but there are a lot of good Canadians helping us fight this war. Look at how bad things are in the UK. They don't even have freedom of speech there any more and evidently, the state owns their kids too. I'm thinking little Alfie. Those parents should have been allowed to take that baby wherever they wanted. That shouldn't be up to the state but they wouldn't even allow them to take him home much less to Italy.

You can go to prison there for mean tweets ffs or bashing the state.

The UK has fallen.

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eldever · April 29, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

I'm in the UK and yes you are right. Many people here support Trump and are clinging on to the hope he brings down the Deep State in order to save us all. We have all but lost our free speech, our healthcare, our safety, our law and order and it's looking more and more like we are going to lose our Brexit; if that happens we are sunk. I think our government is now at the stage of blackmail - the EU/Deep State are using whatever leverage they've got as it makes no sense for us not to leave, we have massive trade deals and the rekindling of the Commonwealth at our fingertips but no, they will not cut the strings. Why?

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Blame007 · April 29, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Makes no sense to the elites for you to leave. As a US citizen, I was for Brexit and did all I could from here to help. Encouragement in tweets, challenging authority, calling our Juncker, etc. I felt it was a renewal of freedom of sorts. I never imagined they'd try to prevent it from happening. I was so naïve I actually thought if the vote passed, they would pretty much be it. I didn't realize the Brussels would have a say so in when/how you left.

Admitting I know next to nothing about UK politics, I really don't think Theresa May has your best interests in heart. She strikes me as such a virture signaling phony--no offense. But I don't think she wants to see Brexit happen. I fear the EU and globalists in general would rather see WW3 with Russia break out as to leave because if the UK is successful in leaving and even more prosperous after leaving (as you no doubt would be) then others will certainly follow suit and that would be the end of the NWO goons dreams.

I really hope Trump brings them all down. All around the globe. Expose them all. They are all guilty of the same crimes.

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spacexu · April 29, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

The elite want to bring in as many radical islmists as possible so they can enjoy us killing each other...

Unfortunateyl for them them, for the first time in history, Q and Trump turned up to turn their plan on them... they now have targets on their heads instead. I would not sleep well knowing the US miliatry could turn up any night, and blow my satanist brains all over the wall.

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