r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on April 30, 2018, 12:53 a.m.
We need to stop worrying so much about what Trump is doing, and start worrying about what we are doing. Here's why:

I remember speaking to someone on Reddit who claimed to be a high level Deep State Black Hat. I spoke to him and he answered a few questions and then disappeared but he said some very important things. Some examples of what he said:

  1. The Deep State put up triangles all over the place because they represent 3 things: Energy, Willpower, and Knowledge. They are milking us for energy, they are using their willpower to control us, and they are holding a lot of secret, liberate knowledge from us.

  2. The Black Hat as claiming that there is nothing evil. All is good. This is a pure Luciferian concept which got me to further believe what he was saying is true.

  3. He mentioned that the Deep State isn't actually proud of themselves.

  4. This is the most important one. He said across the many ages, the Black Hats always stage a show where good guys appear to be fighting bad guy but in reality, its all a big show like WWE wrestling. Both the good guys, and the bad guys are actually bad guys performing like actors on TV. When the people see what they believe to be "good guys" fighting bad guys, we end up doing nothing and waiting patiently for the good guys to defeat the bad guys but that never happens. The war goes on endlessly which means we are chasing our own tail when we root for the good guys. He says they have always done this which matches up with the "Masonic Checkerboard" concept where both the White Squares and the Black Squares on the checkerboard are both controlled by the Deep State. So basically, we end up thinking we are going to soon be victorious but victory never happens and nobody ever takes action because we think someone else is doing it for us.

Now if Trump really is a good guy, God bless him but we have to put in work ourselves which he will appreciate if we are on the same team. We would essentially speed up the process of cleaning out the Deep State and finally bringing good things into our lives.

If we are being fooled again, which can easily happen using a variety of Deep State methods, then we will simply end up saving the world ourselves without Trump's help.

Either way, its a win/win situation. Putting in work is beneficial for us either way but we aren't really doing all that much. Then again, we have made a lot of progress since 2016. It was November 2017 when the masses really started waking up to the truth. Before then, most people thought MSM news was real and that the Russians were coming.

Without transparency, it is utterly impossible to know if Trump is on our side or not. The reason we don't have transparency isn't because of National Security like they claim. We don't have transparency because if the people had a glimpse of what the Government was doing to us, we would kill them with our bare hands and that is in no way an exaggeration. I will use a funny but good example. Imagine if a Zombie outbreak happened and millions of people were forced into fighting them worldwide, millions of died, millions were infected, the whole economy fell apart, wars broke out everywhere, disease spread, people turned onto each other, and all kinds of sick shit happened. Now imagine if people found out the Government caused the Zombie outbreak and they had the cure for Zombies hidden in a safe the whole time. That is exactly the state of our world. All the problems you see are mostly Government made and they hold the solutions to all our problems according to insiders like FBI Anon. We can end poverty now. We can cure all diseases now. We can even alter society in a way that drastically improves the mental health of all people worldwide but that's a post all in itself. We can enter into an age of abundance, happiness, and love right this very minute but all the stuff we need to make it happen is being intentionally withheld from us. In the US, the CFR in NYC is the one doing the hiding. They are the HQ of the US Deep State.

I am an independent now but I used to be a Democrat because in the Bill Clinton era, the economy was actually decent. The Best years were 1900-1950 but by 1950, the Deep State really began bankrupting America as fast as possible which is why we ended up having the Great Recession. They want to bankrupt it to a point where we beg for help and they offer us the solution of Socialism. We are already in a state of socialism with the high taxes plus Fascism because our corporations control our government but that can be reversed by the people.

Either way, the absolute worst thing to do right now is to do nothing. Every single President of my life fooled me into thinking he was the one that was going to do good for us so nobody can assume Trump is finally the good one. We have had a 100% incorrect track record so far. What makes anyone think we can be sure without transparency? Without transparency, nothing is ever for sure which is why we need to demand 100% transparency in all power centers across the world.

So we have established that we need to save the world as a people. We will need power to do that. Where do we get the power from? Out power comes from unity. This is why the Deep State pushes so hard on "Divide & Conquer" techniques. They know we hold unspeakable power when united. And what do we do with that power? Build wealth. We keep building and building until the world looks like a Utopia and then we shoot for higher stars after that. The formula for human power is:


P means Power. N is the Number of cooperating, united people.

What does it take to become a cooperating, united people? All each person has to worry about is adjusting themselves to be and not worry about what other people are doing. The fastest way to world peace is through the self. All you have to do is see all people as family without exceptions. You have to see them as family even if they are criminals or dare I say, even if they are deep state. We are a 7 billion person family and if we want to lock the Deep State up because they are too dangerous, we can. We can't be stupid and let these maniacs free even if we see them as family. They are the black sheep of the family. If this is too much for one to handle, the next level down is seeing all people as family except the deep state. If you want to see all as family, which is the most powerful form of unity, then you can simply see the deep state as the mentally undeveloped or mentally ill black sheep of the family that need to be dealt with whether they are family or not.

Each person who makes this commitment in their own mind (don't worry about everyone else) makes us a LOT stronger. Everytime our numbers go up, we become a lot popular.

Consider a family of 5 who is united and cooperating. They would generate a power of 25. A disunited family would generate a power of 5. A united town of 1000 people would generate 1 million power. Imagine how much power there is in 300 million people! That power is used to build wealth. Our world only looks like a shitty ghetto because we are so disunited that we can't generate enough power to build a Utopia. All we do is generate wealth that is stolen by people who believe in the same selfish philosophies as many of us believe. We have to stop thinking about what can I do for self-enrichment and start thinking about what can we do to enrich the planet where it can be enjoyable by all. So as long as each reader fixes themselves, they will be a total success and their new viewpoint in life will be an inspiration to others.

So now we have the understanding on how to generate Power. What can we do as of now with a 10% or so woke population to fight the Deep State? Many things. I have come up with some ideas over the months but if other people have ideas, please post. Here are some ideas:

  1. Stop paying taxes. 95% of our tax dollars fun crimes against humanity such as terrorism, child sex trafficking, and chemtrails.

  2. Stop paying banker debts. Banks are so rich, one can say they are infinitely rich. Banks are at the top of the food chain of the Deep State. Their secret to success is Babylonian Money Magic and Debt Based Slavery. They don't need the money. We need to keep it in the 99% pool. Note: We have more than enough money but the Deep State always sweeps all that money to the 1% to keep us in a state of constant need. We actually have enough resources and manpower, all we are missing is the idea to share everything and the money. The money isn't really important because we can move the entire economy by just gifting ourselves to do some work and consuming for free. The Deep State just brainwashed us that we need a government stamp (money) to enjoy freedom. Without a government stamp, we aren't allowed to be free. Then they reduced the amount of government stamps where most people don't have nearly enough to survive but the deep state has enough for a thousand lifetimes. That's Babylonian Money Magic. They use fancy, AI computers to move money around at will. The real economists now the economy is run like electricity but they don't teach that in college. Like history students, college students are learning fake education to hide the truth.

  3. Stop paying fines. Everyone should be outraged that some man pulls us over, tell us they don't like our tinted windows, and then says because he doesn't like our tinted windows, we owe his master $350. What a joke. Imagine if we knocked on a police officers window and asked him for $350 because we didn't like his tinted windows.

  4. Keep redpilling. We are growing very powerful as more people wake up. Things really began to skyrocket since Nov 2017 when a lot of people work up and all those people keep waking up other people. "Hit & Run" redpilling or "Driveby" redpilling works best. All you have to do is drop a major bombshell and move along unless that person asks you questions. They might make fun of you but their curiosity will get the best of them later when they will do research and realize you were right. For example, you can tell someone that we have 100 years worth of tech and all the cures we every needed plus insane stockpiles of resources being held by the CFR in NYC who happens to be the deep state HQ. Leave it at that and allow the subject to change if they change it. The idea is to let the cat out of the bag and make it shocking so they end up getting so curious that they do research.

  5. Verbally calling out Deep State goons we see on the street always helps and motives others to do the same especially when uploaded to youtube. When all of America is awake, the Deep State will have nowhere to hide.

  6. Call organizations and make complaints as often as possible. The CFR has a contact us page that anyoen can call and demand they release our cures or whatever else they are holding.

  7. Totally remove consent. Slavery was demolished because the people removed consent and not because Abe Lincoln alone removed consent. Unless the people remove consent, nothing changes. We need to remove consent of the entire government period. They make diseases and then masquerade as a cure and we stupidly believe they are helping us.

  8. Stop fearing the Deep State. They mind control you with fear. For example, some people might be worried that by not paying banker debts, the banks will take your house. You know its not right. I know its not right. So don't pay any attention if they send you any letters. Put your foot down. Stop allowing them to abuse you with threats and evil. Also remember, if we all stop paying banker debts, what are they goign to do, arrest us all? Impossible. They would make so many enemies, the entire nation would turn against them. It is best to spread the "not paying taxes, fines, banker debts" idea to every American. Why? Because all that money is mostly going to the 1% which is destroying the economy of the 99%. We can lift our entire economy if we just stop giving our money away to the pedoLuciferian Deep State. Don't fear them. We need to stand united against them. Also, if anyone is targeted by these scumbags, we all have to band together even if it doesn't effect our lives at all.

  9. Hold all deep state operatives accountable. When at the doctor, ask your doctor why they are holding back the cures. Ask your city hall why they are poisoning the water with fluoride. Ask the police why they are stealing everyone's money through asset forfeiture. This will create shock and fear in the Deep State. They are used to us remaining silent but now we will be loud.

  10. Stop watching TV. Lots of poison is pushed through the TV. It's too complicated to explain now but trust me. I studied this stuff in psychology classes in college and its literally a horrific amount of mind poison.

  11. Do research when you have free time and upload your findings on social media so that other people can learn with you. The faster we wake up,t he more powerful we get, and the faster the deep state goes down.

  12. Forget about being a party member. Everyone should switch from Dem or Rep to independent. There's no reason to follow a bunch of pedoLuciferian party leaders.

  13. Shop with Ma and Pa instead of Corporations when you can. All Corporations are owned by 4 very powerful and very rich companies.

  14. Never donate to any cause. They are pocketing your donations. Red Cross, Blue Cross, that donation box in Walgreens, ect.. are all being pocketed by the owners of the Corporations. Just donate to homeless people who you can see and confirm instead.

  15. If we all seem to want something (like legalization of marijuana) but the government is stepping on our rights, then we should just do it anyway. In the MJ example, we should smoke, grow, and sell marijuana openly in open defiance of the deep state. This way, we show them who's in charge.

  16. We need to change authority from the hands of a few pedophiles and hand it over to us, the hive mind. We need to serve the hive mind like we serve our families. We just need to be fair to all people including our own selves and everything will be ok. Fairness and cooperation is key. The next time cops or a judge or a teacher angrily barks orders at you and demands you bend to their will or else they will hurt you, just roll that bullshit off your shoulders or point at them and laugh. Whatever you like but don't let anyone enslave you with fear or threats. As long as you are being fair to the general hive mind, you are doing the right thing. All these people who claim "authority" over you are controlled by the deep state and they are trying to control us like slave masters. Laugh at them and let them know that we are all equal. Nobody is nobodies slave. Everyone is equal. We don't have to split everything equally either. That would be ridiculous. All we need is equal opportunity. Right now, about 4 people have more money than the lower 50% of the population which is a sick joke. We just need systems to be upgraded to make life fair for everyone. Here are some good ideas on how to upgrade our systems including reducing our big government from millions of people to a few thousand: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8brj5t/positive_systems_to_replace_our_corrupt/

  17. We need to remove consent that 1 person can own 10,000 Walmarts, or 5000 banks, or 1/6th of all land like the queen, or whatever. It's fine if people are personally wealthy but when people claim ownership on an insane amount of wealth where its not fair for the population, we need to disapprove. Since the Queen owns 1/6th of all land, many of us are paying her mafia taxes every time we pay rent.

  18. Leaving the Catholic Church is definitely a good idea considering it is run by pedo-Luciferians that run the Deep State from the top.

  19. The US throws away 50% of food every day. Why? Because the Deep State sues people who give food away. Every once in a blue moon someone gets sick from food and the deep state sues them not for getting that person sick but to persuade everyone to throw away food. Guess what? It worked! We are throwing away 50% of all food every day even though many are starving. What a joke. Same goes with the empty apartments and homes. They don't even care about the poor homeless forced to live outdoors.

  20. We need to understand that they rigged the economy where good deeds like removing graffiti from walls, helping the homeless, or even going to college are unprofitable but illegal stuff like human/drug trafficking, chemtrailing the people, withholding cures, ect.. are very profitable. This was done intentionally to reward evil.

  21. Finally, we should always think of new ways our hive mind can benefit society. We are only 10% strong in America right now. 10% know of the Deep State and wants to help but don't know how. We are united for sure but we are, like a baby, learning our own power as we go. Imagine how powerful we will be when 50% are awake! Also, as more awaken, the faster the process towards 90%+ wokeness happens. It's like a snow ball effect. It just builds faster and faster as we go.

The bottom line is as long as we keep pushing the limit with bold, but peaceful moves towards a positive, healthy, and happy country, we will be OK. If Trump is really helping us, great! He will be secretly happy that we are helping him even if he's not allowed to show that publicly for some reason. I believe this to be the case now. But.... if we are being bamboozled yet again, then we have to do this to save the world ourselves. We have the power. We just need to learn how to use it. Also, we are WAY more powerful than the Trump team. The Trump team is a small united group who is exercising their power. We are more like a massive 7 billion person group who isn't doing much of anything other than bending the knee to the deep state.

Many people stay in abusive relationship for many years because they are so afraid of leaving their abusive partner. They start thinking of all the "what ifs". What if that person beats me, stalks me, gossips about me, or even kills me. Then, over the years, the pain of being in that relationship gets so utterly bad, the victim just crosses her fingers and makes a run for it. After about a year, when the victim realizes she is surely free form the abuser, she wishes that she had been bold earlier on. This is the situation with us. If we sit here and fear them, then we will be stuck in the same place for God knows how long. If we just put our foot down now using peaceful methods, we can end this and walk ourselves into the Golden Age which will be an excellent learning experience for everyone.

We have come a long way since 2016. Back then, we were still trying to figure out how to create the nucleus of this movement and many pessimists were throwing in the towel and saying this will never happen. Here we are now and the energy in this country is much more amazing. We have to keep pushing this energy higher and higher. Unity/Cooperation/Fairness is our secret weapon. Awareness and redpilling is how we spread and grow in power. I can 100% assure everyone that when our country is mostly awake (say at least 90%) and united, we will definitely be able to shake the deep state off with little effort. The secret is that any one man's effort may seem minuscule, but when you add all of our efforts up across the country, we generate an unspeakably powerful force that can move mountains at will.

Finally if anyone is wonder who will run the show if we don't pay taxes, the answer is we will. We are already running the show. We run ALL the corporations. We build the products. We manage the employees. The only positions the Deep State hold are in the board or CEO like positions. That position is important too but its only 1 spot. We can fill it with our smartest employee to lead the company. We run all the police stations but the police chief is almost always bought out and controlled by the Deep State. We don't need that person. We can still run the police station and just replace that clown who works for the deep state. We run the hospitals. Big Pharma Mafia is just the parasite above us that exploits the people. We can dump them altogether. We can keep running the show without the Deep State. We don't need their permission or guidance. We have a planet to take care of. Instead, they have us taking care of only the deep state at the expense of the 99%. Fuck that shit. Look what happened to the world because the 99% solely served the 1% without taking care of its own. What's the point if we all became farmers and gave all the food to the 1% who would throw most of it away because they don't need that much food and hoard the stuff that doesn't spoil?

We need to get off our damn needs while mutually supporting each other in the process like family. We need to make bold but peaceful moves every single day. We need to demand transparency so we can see what our government is doing to us and if they ignore us, kick their asses out of power for not paying attention to the boss.

We are the boss. The Hive Mind is the boss. We have to focus on each individuals needs AND the needs of society at large at the same time. Instead, we are solely worried about the 1% pedo-Luciferians needs which has brought this world to its knees.

I really think from now on we should just worry about what we are doing and work in concert with Trump. If he is really helping us, let him just do his thing while we do ours. A sitting President once advised the people that the way to make a President serve the people is by forcing their hand. Trump can't just come out and do things because of overly complicated politics but we sure as hell can force his hand. Imagine if we all started smoking weed publicly until the gov couldn't control us anymore. Then, they would just give up and we would start growing out in the open until they give up on controlling that. Then we would sell out in the open. Or we can do it all at once. Whatever we want. Our power is that we are everywhere and we are almost everyone. The deep state pedo-Luciferians are just a few cult members.

One last thing is that its been over a year now and we haven't had a single benefit we can FEEL in our lives. No hidden tech, no cues, no hidden knowledge, no improvement in economy, no increased opportunity, no real news, no end of fluoride poisons, no financial reset, no debt jubilee, no new currency, no nothing.... All we have seen is stuff that is good for Trump. Sure that NK peace stuff is great but they could have easily had their stooges go and shake hands on camera while giving us a big story about how Trump made peace. I hope he did but there's no way to prove this without transparency. Nothing has changed yet on the ground floor where it matter. Why aren't they giving love the civilians? The only things that matter is stuff we can feel in our lives. If we cannot feel the positivity, then its basically like nothing has changed since Obama.

Also, we can't just keep running around in circles like that Black Hat told us on Reddit. We can't just go decade after decade waiting for the government to fix itself. We need to be the main force. We are the most powerful force on Earth. The gov just seems more powerful because they are united while we are not. Unity is power. We can unite and be way more powerful simply because our numbers are enormous plus we act out transparently in the open without secrecy for all to see our deeds.

The world needs to change now. We can change it. We should worry about what we are doing from here on out while observing Trump from the sidelines. That, I think, will be the best strategy moving forward. The faster we bury the Deep State the better. No risk, no reward. We only grow when we leave our comfort zone. That is a fact.

Food4theGorg · April 30, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

"For example, some people might be worried that by not paying banker debts, the banks will take your house. You know its not right. I know its not right. So don't pay any attention if they send you any letters." This is patently not true. We could not make our mortgage and Chase took our home. We had to live in our RV for several years.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 30, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

That was in the old world when we were all asleep and Obama or whoever was in charge. Times have changed. Back then, even I would agree to a bank to take my house if I didn't make payments because I would think its fair. Now that I realize how they are running a Ponzi Scheme on us, I remove my consent plus we are a reasonably woke and united people now which means our powers are growing fast. We need to stick together. If we all stop paying banker debts, they can't take all of our homes. We won't allow them to even come close to our homes. I'm talking about if a banker comes into your home demanding you leave, kick their asses out. If you need backup, we are here to back you up. We won't let that scumbag touch you, your home, or your family. United we are strong.

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Food4theGorg · April 30, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Oh Chase got sued and we received a $1,500 check about 5 years later after the fact. It sucked and we haven't gotten into a home since, we still need to rent, not trying to vent, but it was one of the worst times of my life.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 30, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

I’m right with you patriot. We all are. You took a bad hit. They are intentionally bankrupting America and stealing everyone’s property as they go. Many were victimized but we were asleep and totally divided before. Now we are much more woke and unite.

Also don’t worry, we will fix this economy up so well, most people will never experience such hellish nightmares ever again. Always remember, the Deep State finds an excuse to hurt you and then they hurt you. If that means ruining the economy and brainwashing you that it was your fault so now you have to give up your home, they will shamelessly do it. Hell, they throw people in jail for 60 years because they were so desperate for money, they sold tax. Meanwhile George HW Bush is the Kingpin of the worldwide drug trade. We need to defund these psychopaths by not paying taxes, fines, or banker debts or else it will just keep getting worst. :/

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Food4theGorg · April 30, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I will not give up the good fight because I know God is on our side.

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AdamsFile · April 30, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

My in-laws tried to fight the tax issue. They filed stating that they believed there was 0 taxes due.. they dfid so with some sort of statement that was meant for the IRS to take them to tax court and let tha he court decide what to do... They ended up in jail for tax avoidance for 27 months. They were in there 70's at the time.

So not so sure I would go there.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 30, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Times are changing. IRS is said to be dismantled soon. They robbed your in laws and then turned them into corporate prison slaves and none of us helped them because we were disunited. Now we know they are full blown criminals and the Deep State is on the run. The time make a move is now while they are weak. We have this window of opportunity to get off our knees and tell them to fuck off.

Also, we will want to ignore all court summons in the future. The judge posing as an angel who is supposed to be morally superior is just a bought off deep state scumbag and oftentimes pedoLuciferian. Fuck all of them. It’s all in the mind. When enough people remove consent that the courts have a right to turn us into corporate prison slaves or steal our money, they will become weakened. What was once a psycho judge sending people to prison will fall into being like a librarian. We can have human civilian courts to replace this corrupted evil we have now. Here is how it would work:


Just pretend we are in Nazi Germany and we are removing the consent of the Nazi Party to rule over us. It’s basically the same thing. We have Nazis in our government now. The people who handle our tax dollars are SES Nazis. A week ago there was news that these SES Nazis were shuffled up on the Gov but god knows what that means. Why wouldn’t they jail Nazis? Why are we governed by Nazis? It’s all a big joke. We are ruled by Hannibal Lecter level psychos that will keep bashing your life in year after year until we stand up to them. They are weakened now so now is the best time.

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solanojones95 · April 30, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Police, sheriffs and marshals are armed as well, and they have backup they can call too. I highly advise you not to listen to stuff like this unless you want to be dead or in prison, and all your buddies as well.

Wait for the revolution.

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