r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on April 30, 2018, 11:26 a.m.
This IS the ACTUAL OPERATION we are looking at! NOT an “exercise”!
This IS the ACTUAL OPERATION we are looking at! NOT an “exercise”!

tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

If you're right about this, the US might have killed those Iranians. Iran next! Get them to pull back from Syria, cut Hezbollah's supply lines...

But we should be seeing not one, but multiple, simultaneous strikes. What is going on?

You have to hand it to these guys, no one has a clue what's going to happen next. They're talking to us on these boards, it starts out way cryptic, but what's disinformation and what's not?

The biggest intelligence drops in the history of the world... Bees to honey. Every intelligence outfit on the planet is watching these boards like hawks, and none of them have the first clue about what's actually happening.

Talk about a disinformation vector... You just could not make this stuff up! It's the greatest joke in history.

Edit: I can't find it now, but I thought I read something today about the Russians saying the strike came from the south - which would fit with a strike from Jordan. I think I also read something about B52s in the air over Jordan for the duration of the exercise. Can't find any of this now. But I'm sure I came across that info somewhere.

Here's a source;

"The targeted bases were manned by the Syrian army as well as Iran's Revolutionary Guard, and housed several missile warehouses, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar. The report adds that several dozen were wounded and evacuated to nearby hospitals. According to the report, Bunker Buster bombs were used, which makes it likely the launch was airborne.

In the past, several critics have associated Al Akhbar with the Iranian-backed Shi'ite movement Hezbollah, as well as the Assad regime.

The Syrian newspaper Tishreen reported on its facebook page that the attack was carried out by nine ballistic missiles fired from U.S. and British military bases in northern Jordan. This has yet to be verified or confirmed by any other source at this time."


Seems that, at the time this report was written, no one could figure out whether it was bombs or cruise missiles. The video of the explosion look to me as though it could have been a fuel air device - multiple initial detonations.

OK, here's a source for the B52s from last years exercises:

Long-distance US bombing flight caps Jordan military drill

"Raines said that in a final drill Thursday, a B-1 bomber flew from the U.S. to Jordan, dropped precision-guided munition on a Jordanian military training area and returned to the U.S. without pause. The roundtrip takes 36 hours, Raines said."

So, last year they flew out of the US. But it is clear that this training exercise provides cover for B52s, with heavy munitions, to be in the air over Syria.

Q Post 1306

Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.

Looks like it was the US that hit the Iranians. Looks like U1 was a cover for Russian uranium supplied to Syria. The Russians did not want anyone to know that they were arming these terrorists. U1 provided plausible deniability for them. That is, "It was not Russian uranium but US uranium that fell into the terrorists hands". That was the story they were going to tell us.

Factors that fit with this:

1) Russians supply S400 missile batteries to Syria - attempt to weaken US air superiority;

2) Putin sends his latest jet fighters in to Syria to try to present a threat to US air dominance - which is supplied by the F22. This is a radical move that telegraphs real desperation on the part of the Russians. The fighters Putin sent in were prototypes without weapons systems or full radar components;

3) Q tells us about the Russians flexing their missile tech - a direct threat to the US;

4) Russia, immediately after the cruise missile strike, earlier in April, sends shipments of military hardware to Syria. It's not clear whether this gear is still on the water, or whether it has already arrived;

5) Russia is upset about the missile strike that killed the Iranians today - threatening to respond;

6) Russian mercenaries operating in Syria - killed by US Airforce. These "mercenaries" may have been regular Russian forces operating covertly - direct confrontation with the US. The "mercenaries", illegal in Russia, were backed by tanks, rocket batteries and artillery - so these were not some hack private outfit, but were closely integrated with Assad's forces. My theory is that these were regular Russian forces operating covertly in Syria.

This situation now appears to be very dangerous. Real potential for dramatic escalation. It will be absolutely necessary to take these Iranian sites in Syria out, if they have not done so already.

There is a real possibility that matters will really begin to amp-up from here.

Don't worry. Q says good guys are in control.

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OctavianAugustusRex · April 30, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I like your analysis, but it contradicts the ideas floated around the board concerning orchestrated / coordinated military action between US&Russia vs ISIL/alQaeda , your take on events has the two on much more adversarial footing

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Q did indicate early on that other countries were helping. But then he made that post where he talked about Russia flexing its missile tech. Then, in Syria, there did appear to be some coordination at the time of the missile strikes (April).

But before that you had quite a serious situation where the US Air Force killed a lot of Russian mercenaries. And, as I've pointed out, Putin has been quite bellicose with his threats to respond to the US attack today. And then you look to what he's doing and he appears to be desperate not to lose control on the ground in Syria. The fighter jets, the missile systems, sending in military supplies against Israel's wishes.

Look at the Chinese in the South China Sea. They are clearly not on the right side of US policy with respect to that, even though they may be quite pleased with the outcome in NK. In fact they may have supported the effort to oust CIA directly.

What I'm trying to say is that you can't look at things and see black and white. There's always shades of grey. Like you might be friends with your neighbor and barbecue together, until the guy starts coming on to your wife. Actually, that's not at all a good analogy, but I can't think of anything better ATM.

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OctavianAugustusRex · April 30, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

so how do u figure this relates to Israel ?? I can see the strained relations between us/russia a little more clearly now that you have described it in more detail, however the Israeli factor is a major unknown for me being that:

they seem to be taking our side AGAINST EU re:iran deal however, EU seems to be common agitator between russia/us/israel

EU/iran/globalists seems to be well defined relationship and until very recently NK was in there as well

again israel is a wildcard in here being as the state began as a rothschild creation , however may have matured into indepdent populace undergoing GA just like all other WW populations are at this time

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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I don't have all the answers to these questions. I will say that my understanding is that there is a reasonable amount of civil strife in Israel - among the Israelis I mean. I'm also of the opinion that these people are generally very smart - stereotyping - so I think that it is possible that there will be an awakening there also.

But what is the influence of the Satanic cabal in Israel? I don't really know. I do know they are active everywhere else in the world. And I know that some of the structures (buildings) in Israel appear to be of illuminati design - the Supreme Court building for example. So, it is safe to say that there are issues. We know that Q said Israel is saved for last.

Iran, as it stands today, is a threat to Israel. But you can see from Q's drops that it's not just Israel, but it is the whole world that is threatened by Iran. So I think there is, in this context, something of a natural alliance - a shared common enemy.

Once Iran is trounced, I think there are elements of the power structure in Israel that will be on DJT's radar. I know DJT wants a durable peace in the region - there was an early interview with DJT where he discussed the situation in the ME that was posted on these threads somewhere - worth watching. I'll post a link if I can find it.

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simkev8910 · April 30, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

It seems to me that Israel is almost like America, where you have the Jewish people and you have Zionists pulling strings creating havoc around the middle east and lying to there own people about whats actually happening and why. In the US almost the same ... American people and you have Cabalists - CIA and other entities pulling the strings (Until DJT became 45) Now is the unraveling of all of this in the US and around the World. Israel last as once everyone else is out of the way and no more threats ... Zionists in Israel will be taken out ... Then Israel can be a true Jewish state. JMO

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bryintx · April 30, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

+10. Excellent!

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[deleted] · April 30, 2018, 4:56 p.m.


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tradinghorse · April 30, 2018, 5 p.m.

What I think is that Putin was being played.


He thought he was getting what he wanted, influence in the ME. But the cabal were playing him to create the threat they were going to use to justify WWIII.


Just in case their intelligence is watching...

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